Hopefully, a fresh start on Monday!

One thing I want to write about is my travel record. By cleaning up my computer, I found the old pictures. Many of them contain the pictures I have taken during the trip. I can start writing about that. Under the current circumstances, we can’t go out so let’s write something fun. I might want to go back there.

Another thing I wanted to write about is updating the company investigation for stock investing. I think I have several companies in which I have invested or going to invest. I have done some research always but it is not good enough because the information is not organized. Maybe I can write something here and occasionally I can update so eventually, I hope the page can be more useful for everyone. I hope I can know the company better by writing.

Finally, I wanted to write entries about the book I have read. I can improve my writing and update information if I have read it again. Also by writing more give me more chance to remember the contents.

I don’t know why but I am a bit tired today. Maybe I will finish writing here.

Since tomorrow, I will continue working on the papers. I hope I can submit one by the end of August and I can finish the manuscript by the end of lockdown. After submitting one paper, I might take days off to spend my annual leaves I didn’t spend many days in 2021. I have to use it. I am excited to work again. I remember I will start working also on several proposals. I will start writing and I will start looking for collaborators to submit theirs. One month is left now. The first priority is the paper and then I make some time to work on the proposal. Also, I want to work on some reports of my scientific project which gives me momentum to go further in my study.