The reason why I chose this book is clear. Recently I saw the video which Yoshimoto edited. In this video, Japanese famous veteran comedian Shin-suke Shimada explained how to become professional comedian. He clearly said “Talent is crucial, but no one can change his talent. “. This video inspired me. I was interested in talent the people have.
So the question is” What is talent? What made successful people different from the rest of us? Where does the greatness come from?”
The answer I got is also clear. The answer is “Deep practice × 10000 hours = world class skill”. What I mean is talent is the capability to be absorbed in practice deeply for 10000 hours. I agree with this equation. This equation reminds me the word I met when I was 21 years old. Japanese economist suggested that people need 10000 hours to be professional. Because I believed him, I executed what he said. Finally, I could become professional physicist. Unfortunately, he did not mention Deep practice.
Now I believe Deep practice is also essential. Next question is “how can we practice deeply?” There are three rules to practice deeply.
Rule 1. Chunk it up: Start practice from a small amount with slowly. Do not practice too difficult things, every time we should focus on is practicing little bit harder things we can do and review what we can do already.
Rule 2. Repeat it: We have to do the same practice again and again. Build the habit to practice.
Rule 3. Learn to feel it: We have to have the strategy or sense to your practice or goal. For example, if we want to be musician, first thing we have to do is getting a clear sense of tune. I mean, we had better quality ear to listen music to recognize your mistakes when we play music instruments.
I agree these rules from my experience of learning music, physics, English, marathon and so on. Now, if we understand these rules, think again your plan. Let’s do it!!