Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

I will be on business trip from Feb 22 to Mar 2. I am at Oak Ridge national laboratory (ORNL) to do neutron scattering experiment at SNS which is the world strongest neutron source.


We are going to measure 11 samples for 8 day. This is really tough.  I hope we can get good results. I have been to ORNL more than 5 times, however every time I learned something. Actually here is historical place for those who study magnetism using neutron scattering. Here ORNL was the place where first neutron experiment was performed.

In May 1944, physicist Ernest O. Wollan sent this letter to Richard L. Doan, director of research at Clinton Laboratories (later named Oak Ridge National Laboratory). While work on the Manhattan Project was still in full swing (and led to the classification of this letter as “secret”), he proposed an experiment on the world’s first continuously operating nuclear reactor, the X-10 pile at Clinton Laboratories. Wollan was among the first to recognize the scientific potential of high-intensity neutron sources.


To study magnetism, we use neutrons. Because neutron has spin and there is interaction between neutron spin and spin in material, so that neutron scattering has been great tool to study magnetism.

The experiment was scheduled from tomorrow. Fortunately, we could start experiment today, because there was extra time today. My boss asked instrument scientist to come to help us. He came lab to help us starting experiment, even today is Friday night. We are very happy, we appreciated it.

First sample contained Ir element, what is called 5d transition metal. However, this element absorb neutron, this is not good for neutron scattering experiment, but only SNS can do this. I am really excited!!

We drove here from Virginia to Oakridge, it took 6 hours. So I am so tired today!! And also experiment has just begun. We already set up temperature scan finish tomorrow noon. I hope we could get good results. See you then.