What I am working these days. I had my health problem for several years and now my strength is back. I keep updating here what I am thinking of the field I am working on.
Physics: We got a good paper in Nov.6 from Advanced Science. We got a cover letter from the journal, that makes me very happy. Also, this paper form Taiwan where I work for. Now, Taiwan is creating top-level science with neutron scattering. I am an instrument scientist of cold triple-axis spectrometer, I am now a better understanding of the instrument and related science after I work here almost 6 years now. I would like to improve my understanding of physics. I am in the position of one of the most experienced scientists in using triple-axis spectrometer. I should do more work and I should know the neutron science better. I also got a referee request from one of the prestigious physical journal. I am honour to review the paper and give me a chance to learn more. I have made a poster presentation today in Australia. It is good to keep going to serving science community.
Investing: I am learning more about investing by doing invest. My understanding of investing is gradually better. I would think learning about money is one of the best education you can do for yourself. But the learning curve is rather slower than I expected. At the time of writing, Biden got elected as the U.S. President, things could swing in the next several months or even years. On the other hand, I am hearing record high in the stock market in the U.S., Japan, and Korea. It seems people are excited about investing in stocks. For me, it does not matter, I just research whatever the way I learned, I make my own decision, invest, take responsibility.
Reading: I just finished reading a book “Go by KAZUKI KANESHIRO translated by TAKAMI MIEDA”. The book is about the story of Zainichi in Japan. As a Japanese, I knew they exist. But I have not involved enough to know their life. I have made a lot of friends with a Korean name. To be honest, I even have never asked they are Zainichi or foreign students. I learned that they can be North-Korean or South-Korean citizenship. Maybe I just don’t know them good enough to know their hardship living in Japan. The book is good, this is a love story but basically, the book describes how Japanese society treats them and how they survive in Japan. The book gives me a new way to look at my country. What does nationality mean? What does ethnicity mean? What does race mean? I was born and raised in Japan but I have lived in the U.S. and am living in Australia now. This is the question I am thinking always.
Anything else? I am not doing much on running and playing the guitar. What else I am thinking? I am feeling great about learning English. I am reading and listening to books in English which is my second language. I am enjoying them so I just enjoying learning English by just reading books. This is great. Now, I am focusing more on vocabularies. I want to learn more, then I should be able to read more and better. Hopefully, I can speak and write Englis better. Maybe I will start writing the book review.
That’s it for today. Thank you for reading. I will keep on writing.