Days off and lockdown.

Today is the first day of a week off. It was great. But at the same time, Greater Sydney goes into lockdown state because of the COVID-19 recent outbreak. We have to stay home as much as possible for two weeks. Even I take days off I don’t have anywhere to go. So spend something it is useful.

Now I started reading books about Mr Toru Muranishi. I found it online. Mr Muranishi has been a model for Naked Director which is one of the shows on Netflix. I enjoyed the showing so I was interested in the person. I found it interesting. In the book, Muranishi was talking about money, desire, business, professionalism. To be honest, some of them are not welcomed in now but I found quite interesting.

Now I would like to spend more time find a nice company in ASX. For me, finding good company and business. Even I lose money by investing wrong company in short term. It will be a good opportunity to learn more. I already have a lot of company I want to invest in. Since I want to invest money from my monthly salary so I don’t have any chance to do it. So every month, I will invest in either new company or chose one company in my portfolio. By invesitng money, I should learn the business very seriously.

What else am I interested in. I guess. It is writing. My goal in my life should be writing more of scientific work based on the data I have. I should write more but I want to do a good scientific work anytime. Now I am feeling I can do better by collaborating with my friends. I am more confident of my work in physics. In the scientific work, writing is the most important work. Also, starting good project, doing good experiment, doing good analysis, and writing. All part is important. I would like equally investing time to do better. So I should spent time in each part and I would like to go higher level in every part to be a good sscientist. I should do it one by one but I should not give up.

By writing this, I feel I am not learning antying a day? or I am not proceeging. I lost enthusium on science? Maybe not. Maybe I should face myself, I should express my finding every day and improve my writing.

Now what is a goal? I would like to spend more time of my scientific work and I would like to find more collaborators. I would like to expand what I can and my network can. Now, today I was thinking I should spend more time to investing time to talk to collabrator of mine and potential collabortors. By watching Mr. Muranishi’s show, I realized how consistently work and invest time to build up great business, team and community is important. I was doing OK, but I think I can do better, by writing more paper and collaborating with more scientists. Now I can find where to improve as an scientist.