See what I can do

The day passes so quickly, now we are already midnight. I can’t believe it. The lockdown in Sydney is going to be extended. Now at the earliest, the lockdown finishes by the end of July. From the current schedule, I don’t have an experiment by end of August. I should spend more time writing.

Today, I added more analysis on diffuse scattering data from 2 dimensional triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnetic material. The phenomenon is common in these systems but no one has a clear answer yet. I can’t give one either but I think I can speak about it. Tomorrow, I can finish writing this section and hope I can find time to finish the whole story of the paper. On Friday, I should give the manuscript to my colleague to revise it. I hope I can finish the manuscript in a few weeks. Then I can submit it.

The coal price is the highest level in the past 10 years. But I think investor, especially in developed countries, doesn’t think coal will be outdated. But the developing countries, in some of them, still need coal and oil. Some of these are trying to expand the industry. By seeing that, I am not sure what the future holds, but I can see how difficult to navigate the world. I believe the developed countries can offer a nice solution based on science. But who knows who will win in the future. The climate is changing for sure, hope some technology can be developed and save us all. I am doing my part by doing science. I will read a book about SDG’s investing. I hope I can find something I can contribute to the earth.

Anyways, I should learn something every day and that keeps me moving forward. I am happy to see my analysis is done and I can do the writing tomorrow.