Book Review 2 : HABIT

I like this phrase.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. –Unknown

In this phrase, the most important word that you have to watch in your 20’s is Habit. I believe that 20’s is good and last timing that we can build strong habit because throughout 30’s using our habit we have to actually challenge our most important task in our life.  So in your 20’, you have to find how to avoid your bad habit and how to build your good habit. This book will definitely help you.

Each an action in the habit, we can divide into 3 steps, these are cue, routine, reward. If possible, best way to change habit is not changing cue and reward. Changing only our routine is best way. For example, we may have a drinking habit but we want to quit drinking. We enter our favorite restaurants with your friends, and the waiter would ask your order (cue). We replace order beer (old routine) to coke (new routine). If we feel good when you drink coke (reward), we can change our drinking habit. I don’t think that these replacements are always available though we have to think about something else. 

This book provides some examples of how habit works. Habit is so strong, sometimes dangerous, and sometimes social. But habit has possibility to change our life, body, work and even society. I believe you will see yourself on characters on book. They definitely changed their habits with some reason. You will see.

This book gives us hints how we can observe our habit and change habits, whichever good or bat. If you get your good habit in your early 20’s it just gets better and better as the years roll on. I believe. Only we need to do is do again and again. But now I (and you will) understand how habit works and how to change in the long run. I believe the habits I got keep changing my life every day. Why don’t you check this book out and start acquiring good habits instead of bad habits?