The sign.

Friday, I am always tired because I work hard. I guess. Haha. As for my study, this week has been kind of hard. I was struggling to get meaningful analysis results. As I said here before, I am analyzing tiny changes in the magnetic material, so that it is difficult to get clear information. What make me most frustrate was that I could not get same result using the same parameters which I used before. This may be because there is software problem. If so, it will be hard to fix. Even I could fix, I have to analyze again. That will be tough.

I went to the art galley after work, That art galley was prepare by students in school of arts at Univ. of Virginia (We call it UVA). We could see photograph, arts, short movies and so on. Honestly, there are still many possibility to make the works better, but I could see their seeds of creativity.

We have many chances to see arts, even in daily life, when we watch TV, movie, advertisement, book cover, online and of course great museum. These works was made by proffesionals. Today, I just realized how good they make for every works. I did not realized that we are living with full of sophisticated arts they made.

Compared to proffesionals works, the arts by students are not so good on a technical level. However, clearly, student arts are more energetic, powerful, impressive, sometimes imaginative. They are the most important parts of art. I could tell student was trying to make something creative.  Student works remind me that creativity is the strength of youth and  imagination comes hard work. And Imagination and creativity are the most important part of life.

After that, I have a chance to talk with my friends about sign in our life. The sign is like point which lead us to the goal of our life. Someone might say that the sign is the God’s work to lead him. Like Steve Jobs said, if I look back my life, I can tell which was the sign. When I was student, I wanted to be physicist, but I did not to how to become. Does Getting Ph.D make us physicist? The answer is no. They are just title. So, what makes someone physicist? Oh, that is another story. But I can tell what lead me to be physicist. So I can believe these sign lead me to the future. Because of that, I have confidence when I make decision in my life.