What I am going to write here.

I was supposed to post my last article ‘The sign’. I just forgot put ‘publish’ button yesterday night. Haha. Today is Saturday, I could get good rest, and think about the future of this blog. I write several series of article, I have stopped writing. I am sorry. I am going to write again. Let me do it again. Thank you for reading everyone.

Writing tips : What makes someone good writer? Looking for this answer, I have been reading  and listening the lecture and book about writing. I learned two things today. One is ‘Good writer is always good reader’ That is true. I was not good reader. Let try reading proactively. The other is ‘Never underestimate readers’. It is important. I have to excuse my grammatical error but I need to improve. But more importantly, I have responsibility about contents and do my best for my writing.

Japanese lecture : O.K. Let do this again. For Japanese lecture, we are going to discuss verb, adjective, adverb. These topic is important for Japanese learner, so I was careful to write. I am going to spend a lot of time this 3 topics. I am Japanese native speaker, so that I have to admit, I am not familiar with Japanese grammar. To teach mother language is tough. But I want to be better teacher for my students.   

Book review : Since I have full time jobs, it was hard to take the time to read. Reading English was hard for me. But reading is source of growth for me. I need to spend more reading. And reading more effectively, let me write review here. What I actually write is not review though, it is like what I feel when I read these books. But some review would help you which book you read next.

Economist : I have stopped reading journal. I have to resume this. Economist article is very profound, so sometimes I need to think and research more. Let me review what I learn.

Physics : This is very hard job. I have not decided the reader’s level for physics. If I focus on the common people, I have to rephrase terms into common words. But it is challenging, sometime confusing and I do not want to omit detail even when I use common words. But I am physicist, let me try.

The great course : I have been learning several topics watching DVD. I am watching investment. On this blog, we are going to discuss, Bond, Mutual Funds for the next. And also I have been watching about ‘Brain’ and ‘Writing’ which are also fun. I would like to share on this blog.

Music : I actually want to write music more, as a player. So I am thinking how I can write about playing the guitar on this blog, let me find out. I am going to write chart of effective practice and philosophy for playing. But I need more vocabulary to describe music. Give me time to organize how to write about music on my blog. And Give me time practicing the guitar more.

O.K. That is all what I came up with. Thank you for your reading.