Good English words I found at books, online, and my life recently.

1. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

Jane Austen “Pride and Predudice” found at The Great Course DVD “how to write about anything”

2. Great writers are always great readers.

The Great Course DVD “how to write about anything” Chap1

3. We haven’t closed the wealth gap between black and white Americans.

The Huffington Post  |  By Bonnie Kavoussi.

4. Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. — Gene Fowler

Writing research papers at

5. Remember you are smarter than the calculator. Check your answer to make sure it is reasonable.

CK-12 Basic Physics – Second Edition (Kindle Locations 62-63).

6. “I often think about music. I daydream about music. I see my life in the form of music.” – Albert Einstein

CK-12 Basic Physics – Second Edition (Kindle Locations 151-152).

7. We may not able to avoid pain, but we don’t need to add suffering on top of it.-Dalai Lama.

 I found this phrase on the book ‘Lifelong love’.

8. 4000 years of medicine.

2000 BC: Here, eat this root.

1000 AD: That root is heathen!! Here say this prayer.

1865 AD: That prayer is superstition!! Here, drink this potion.

1935 AD: That potion is snake oil!! Here swallow this pill.

1975 AD: That pill is ineffective!!  Here, take this antibiotic.

2000 AD: That antibiotic is poison!! Here, eat this root.

By unknown, I found facebook post by English language and literature.

9. If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you!!

By unknown, I found it on Facebook post by English language and literature.

10. No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.

By Confucius