Book review 13. Practice perfect.

“Practice”, When we learn something, we need practices. Practice is everywhere, anytime. But, we are sometimes chased by practicing. The purpose of practice is to get the things done well. Practice itself is not purpose. So, do we practice efficiently for our goal? Sometimes, we forget to ask this question.

This book is about practice. Recently I was interested in what talent is. Some books say that people who has talent practice deeply, compared to the novice. That is the key. So that, what is practice? That was my question. I started reading this book.

What I learned from this book are following.

1. Focusing.

When we do practice, what kind of practice do you plan? This book says that we need to recognize what we are doing to practice deeply. Namely, we need to know the purpose of practice. Even though, we practice the same thing we did yesterday, what is this practice for this time? Focus on what you are practicing.

When I was young, I used to try to do complex practice. I did not focus on basic skill, but practical skill. Because I thought that was efficient. That was wrong. We need to simplify the practice, and focus on what the component of performance we are practicing.

2. Teacher or Coach.

Because I like teach myself, I usually do not ask teacher to help me. I realized I was terribly wrong. But, as you know, good teacher gives us good critique, feedback and comment. Basically, the role of teacher is something like this,

(1) What to do.

Good teacher knows what the problem student is facing. Good teacher could give you appropriate level and amount of tasks.

(2) When to do.

Good teacher knows what the practice student needs for now. Good teacher could give you appropriate skill of tasks.

So, why don’t we practice with teacher?

3. The audience.

Does the audience disturb you? Yes, sometimes. But, the practice in front of the audience is beneficial to you. (Of course, the audience may be your teacher. ) The quality of practice dramatically could increase by them. Some musician says that he always practice in front of the audience, because that purpose of practice is “The performance for the audiences”

This is not summary of this book. The book tells you 42 rule of practice. That is surely helpful. So, let’s read it and apply it for your daily practice. I hope these rules would help you reach your best performances. Good luck.