“When a theorist met an experimentalist or vice versa”

I have been on business trip to Tennessee, Oak ridge national laboratory. The objectives of this time is getting local structure pattern using neutron scattering at SNS for Ni oxide sample and getting magnetization data using SQUID for the sample which we recently succeeded to make.

Honestly, I had a lot of problems. But finally, I could several data. I must confess, this is not 100 percent satisfied results, but I would say I did what I could do. For the local structure pattern, I can not get any positive result so far. I need to analyze data more carefully later. But negative result is also important.

When I was back to my office, I could get the journal from Japanese neutron society. I heard my Ph.D adviser got prize from Neutron community in Japan, because of his contribution to development experimental method for studying magnetism. I am very happy to hear that. On that Journal, he wrote invited paper. On the concluding remark, he said “The relation between Master and Follower is similar to the relation between father and sons. Some sons get over his father, others try to keep running away from his father. I am a latter” I am latter also.

And today, I could attend seminar which is provided by Univ. of Virignia physics department. The title is “When a theorist met an experimentalist or vice versa”, the theoretical physicist and experimental physicist do not communicate well, even they have same interest. One of reason is the theorist pursues “simplicity” but the experimentalist needs to worry about how every equipment works. But, if they communicate with each other very patiently, remarkable things can happen.

During the experiment at Oak ridge, I sacrificed my reading time. That is O.K. I am a Scientist. Instead of reading book, I was listening books. I write several short comments.

Show shank redemption : This is my text book sometimes. I learned a lot from Andy. The importance of habit, enduring work, the spirit of never giving up.

On writing : This is book about writing written by Steven King. Every American has heard his name. I learned from him a lot also about importance of serious writing. “If you want to be a writer, read a lot and write a lot, there is no way around.” This phrase is always in my mind.

Rivals : This books is written by Bill Emott. He is journalist at the Economist. We had been worked for the Tokyo branch. He is very familiar with Asian society. His most famous books is “The Sun also sets” which is published around 20 years before. But he anticipated the problem Japan faces, he wrote them very precisely. Sometime I feel disappointed with why Japanese could not prevented the problem now we face, even he pointed out much earlier.  This books is about India, China and Japan, the anticipation of future of Asia “big three”.

The other is “No planning on you” This book is just for fun. There is nothing to comment.

I wanted to listen more. Do you have recommendations of Audible books. Please tell me if you have!! See you, have a good weekend.