Classic guitar.

Why did I start playing a electric guitar? I have to confess I wanted to be popular in school and among friends. Of course, this ended in super success!! (<- Who knows??) To tell the truth, I started singing first and I realized that playing guitar suited better for me. So I just started playing a guitar only. I would say I have enjoyed playing. But, but, but, oh my gosh!! Why didn’t I started playing a classic guitar!!! Classic guitar must suit the best for me. I deeply regret now. Oh my god.

As you know, learning instrument and language has a lot of analogies. Both need a lot of time to become a certain level of player (speaker). Both need a kind of grammar. Rhythm is important for both. And you have to confront with the fear to be embarrassed and to make mistakes. You should play in front of real audiences to be better ones. I want to emphasize here, reading is most fundamental skill for both. For a long time, I can’t read pieces. I can read TAB (which is made for special pieces to easy to understand for guitarists) though.

So, in short, I started to practice reading pieces. It is hard, really. But I am exited!! How long does it take to read without thinking? 10 years?? Maybe. But I do enjoy reading and playing now. Music is addictive. And for Classic guitar, I started to use finger picking. I still feel hurts, haha. But, it is fun.

I finished rereading “Presentation Zen”, this is one of my bibles. This book reminds me how presentation is becoming important in everywhere in the world. One thing I learned most is the concept how to use the time. Presentation is precious, because at that time, every person in the room is listening your talk, even they are working at much higher position, they would listen your talk. If your presentation time is 10 mins, and 20 audience, you are using 200 mins in total, including the time that the audiences have.

I have not watched TED so much. But I happened to listen one of TED presentations. I have never thought about listening TED, because I did not think that listening is not time efficient. But, like classic guitar. I just realized how I missed a lot of fantastic presentations. I like a lot “The happy secret to better work” by Shawn Achor. I am reading his book now. Honestly speaking, the book looks not so good though, presentation is very nice. I hope I can find more interesting presentation on TED. The problem is how I can find interesting presentation. My schedule is fully packed now. If you wanna to try to watch this presentation, just google the presentation title. You will find the presentation by Shawn Achor.

As for writing, we (I and tutor) are working on adjectives. She gave me the homework. I need to write about the place. I need to write as much elaborately as possible to improve my vocabulary. I though this is good idea. I am going to write this homework. If possible by end of the day.