Mere making a decision.

For the most of writer, who is not professional, the hardest part of writing is getting start. Does anyone disagree with this? I had the last lecture yesterday from my writing tutor who I personally hired. I have been taught how to write in English. Even though I am living in the U.S., it is hard to find good writing tutor because writing is not easy, even for journalists, the best seller authors. And teachers need to understand fully their own language and have variety of choice to express the ideas. Native speaker usually does not, because speaking native language is not skill which is acquired intentionally. How much grammatical knowledge do you have about your mother tongue?

As I told here before, a good teacher can do 2 things

  1. She can tell you what the student needs to work on now.
  2. She can find the best assignment for student.

So, a good teacher knows what the student level is, and then can give him the appropriate task to get to next level. If teacher asks you easy job all the time, she might not be a good teacher. If teacher gives you hard job you are not able to manage always, she is not a good teacher.

My tutor gives me good materials from variety from web site, articles, text books, and so on. She always keeps me busy. She did not give me easy task, too much time, and cheap flattering.

On the last lecture, we worked on the discussion about women workforce. Since I have been interested in the different between women workforce in the U.S. and Japan, and I am also interested in work life balance, we worked on the article about women workforce from the Economist.

My point is that Japan needs the new type of leader like Tomoko Namba, who is CEO of DeNA. The women can change the way of working, even the thought about working and productivity. She is very hardworking lady and also never gives up family.

This paragraph is the work from last lecture.

『The problem is that the culture of Japanese companies has not changed especially for women workers. One of hint of solution we have is the experience of Tomoko Namba who is the CEO of DeNA. She previously worked at McKinsey, which means DeNA has very hard working culture. However, Tomoko Namba changed after she had her son. She is still hard working, but she has a different point of view about the work life balance. And then, Tomoko Namba changed the culture in DeNA. DeNA became more flexible for women workers. I believe these kinds of success stories need to happen more in Japan. DeNA can be the model for better work place conditions in Japan.』

The reference

1.Holding back half the nation

This week, I was thinking about making a decision because I AM MAKING. Making a decision is not only to choose something, but also to throw some possibility or change away simultaneously. That’s why making decision is hard. People are easy to forget, we can only live the life only one time as far as that is our experience. If you choose one from both two look equally good option, we still see difficulty to make a decision. We know both are fairly good, both make you happy, and then, why are we afraid chose one? It is because our brain focuses on what we might lose.

I am not afraid anymore because God would lead me to the best way, and I have never chosen wrong path so far thanks to him. Let’s finish the work I have in the U.S. before I leave.