How to read the whole bible in three month for the first time.

I have read the bible for three months. This is my first time to read the whole book. Do you know how many words are in the bible? Old Testament 773,682 words and New Testament 138,020 words in total, this is surprising number. New believer, some of readers, or English learner might want to know how I could finish reading the bible. So, I am here. Fortunately, when I finish reading the bible was the day my mother got surgery and she is fine now.

For English learner like me, reading 1 million (is around 10 books if you count as books) is first goal to build his habit of reading. This first 1 million words is very important, you have to be very careful to start reading the whole bible otherwise you might lose your enthusiasm for English or Reading.

  • Don’t stick to perfectionism

Reading whole bible does not mean understanding the whole bible. Some of ideas you might not be ready to understand, so leave it. Don’t stop some point you don’t understand. You will be back there when you are ready. Fortunately, even when you get older, the line would never change. The God’s word script always will be waiting for you.

  • Apply it in your life

The bible doesn’t teach what to do, how to do it where we are living in this world. I suggest you try to apply it in real life. You would notice how hard these actions are. Surely you would struggle with, but by doing so, you would become more interested in what people had done in the bible. Did they do something we did not read? Your desire to know better the bible makes you a more demanding reader.

  • Find the group

You need to find friends who are also Christian, willing to share what they read. If possible, the meeting with group should be held regularly. By discussing what you read you would have better understanding the bible and you might know what friends are thinking and feeling about the scripture. And then you could review after discussion when you read the bible again.

  • Go to a church

This is obvious, isn’t it? To attend a church is good time for knowing the bible better. By listening to preach in a church you will know where to read and how to read, and what to read. A preacher teaches you what the script means.

  • Make it habit.

Read every single day. And you had better decide when to read. What time does this work for you? For me, lunch time is good. I usually take lunch around 12 p.m. and then I read the bible until 13 p.m. Why do I read on lunch time? It is just because that is the time works for me.

  • Keep your record and set goal

Whatever version you read, each day you can keep record. And then, you can set your goal. For me, reading within three months was appropriate goal. Do not set inappropriate goal otherwise you could not keep up with your goal or you could never finish reading. I suggest you to read the bible with 3 months for first time.

  • Promise to Friends

If you have good Christian friends, you can talk to her/him. You would promise to her/him when you start, by when you will finish. Your friends would encourage you to read and you will be responsible for finishing reading the bible.

Is there anything that works for you to read the bible? If you have your idea, please tell me. I want to share. Be happy!!