31 days of visionaries.
I started my challenge to write 31 days about visionaries put us forward.
The reason : He is the prototype of disruptive innovator in 21th century
The reason : The disruptor of information technology and further
The reason : He proved that human and machine can work together
The reason: He runs through American Capitalism from the beginning to the future.
The reason: The prediction of future Chinese and mind of strategy.
The reason: He teaches what the physics is like and its beyond.
The reason: The one of earliest example of BIG DATA
The reason: The innovation with anger
The reason: His response for the 6th grade little girls question “Do scientists pray?”
The reason: He teaches the pleasure of finding things out.
The reason: The foundation of neutron scattering science in Asia
The reason: He wrote 2001 space odyssey which still is readable in 21th century.
Day13: Sir William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg
The reason: They found the fundamental equation in scattering techniques.
The reason: The advanced material scientist
The reason: He invented the three law of robot
The reason: As a great leader in Singapore, Asia, and the world.
The reason: As the leader of the third party of e-commerce market
The reason: One of best researchers of the science of happiness
The reason: The success law 2.0
The reason: The prediction of future intelligence rising against us.
The reason: Pondering what the leader is.