







『成功体験があだになる。』というのは私がGarry Kasparov氏のHow Life Imitates Chessとう本を元にいつも意識していたことである。チェスの分野とスポーツの分野に違いはあれ同じような意識があるのだと思った。



アスリートとしてのコメントしてとても勉強になったのは体も頭も心も大部分は自分ではコントロールできないとあると感じているという為末氏の文章。アメリカの神経生理学者ベンジャミン・リベットの『マインド・タイム 脳と意識の時間』を元に感情が行動を決めているのではなく、行動が感情を決めているということを言っていること。個人的には若いころからこれを意識しているのでさらに同じ意見が聞けて良かったと思っている。気分がのらない日でもとにかくはじめては見ることが大事だと思っている。





我今年需要做三个演示。我明年有许多科学的会议。我不想出国旅行 如果我可以在线参加会议。我还需要花费我的研究经费。


I am thanksful what I am doing.

I didn’t feel well today. But it is another blue Sunday. I will need to work on the rest of this year for good science and I will have two weeks off. The experiment is going well with remote control, the data looks fine so far. Hope we can write another paper. I will find way to write my paper as well.

I have been reading a manga called Hunter*Hunter. I haven’t read it for a long time. It is a good manga I am thankful I can read again. Unfortunately, it is expensive to get these books online in Australia.

Also, I wrote a blog in Japanese for another book review. The book is from an athlete who were talking about limits of what we can do. I am impressed and had similar opinions with that book in many ways. Even I could not do it at his level. Even though I am in science and he is in sports, I could find many things to learn from him. The book taught me to have a stronger will to achieve goals. Unconsiouly, we limits ourselves to achieve what we might able to achieve.

Let’s get back to work tomorrow morning. I will have another week to do more good experiment.















ASX research 1: Whitehaven (WHC) 2nd ed. 2021/11/11

This is 2nd edition of company research original research can be found here (https://www.shinichiroyano.com/2021/09/30/asx-whc-analysis-1st-ed2021-09-30/)

Whitehaven Coal is a coal mining and exploration company listed in ASX. The price on Friday, Aug.13th 2021 ended at 2.38 and on Thursday of Sept. 30th, 2021 ended at 3.23 and Nov. 10th ended at 2.48. The share of outstanding is 1.03B so that market capitalization is A$2.55B. The company sells high-quality coal products to the Asian market mainly Japan (55%), Taiwan (16%), Korea (15%) for thermal coal, India (48%), Japan (16%), Vietnam (12%), and Korea (11%) for Metallurgical Coal Sales in FY20. The company’s share price soars because coal is now the highest at least the last 10 years. I am not sure the coal price keeps at this level. The demand for coal surged after the COVID-19 restriction started lifting around the world. In early October, the coal price high an all-time high at 269USD/ton. At the writing in early November, it came back down to about 160 USD/ton. It is still high. Also, there are Chinese demands shrink because the Chinese mining companies are producing coal at a record level since the Chinese government is trying to ease the electricity crisis in China. However, Whitehaven is not selling its coal directly to China.

FY20-1 (million) FY20-2 (million)FY21-1 (million)FY21-2 (million)
Revenue 885.1836.5699.3857.7
NPAT27.42.6-94.5 -449.4
Last 4 half-year results

The company was having a hard time last the 4 half-year results because of the coal price. After the coal price came back, the price of the share has been rising. I believe the company will start making money from FY22 in the first half because of the high coal price. I could not see a big picture here so I checked at least 5 years of history as below.

Net profit after tax405.4524.5564.930-543.9
EPS (taken from WSJ)0.410.530.530.03-0.55
Operating Cashflow (**)607.6883.4916.5146.4138.8
Net debt311.1270.4161.5787.5808.5
Dividend (cents)640501.50
Last five years of results

Surprisingly, on the day of releasing FY21 results, the share price rose 4.95%. I believe the investor understood this NPAT is the worst last 5 years because of the A$650m impairment of their asset. Revenue went down last two financial years it is because the coal price was low. I will show you later but the coal production does not change much last 5 years. In the last 5 years, FY18 and FY19 they had good NPAT but now the coal price is much higher since the beginning of FY22.

(*)I tried to find information from the company’s financial report but I saw some inconsistency. (**)I took data from the company’s financial report and the WSJ website.

Unit cost/ton $Am5858(62)(***)677574
Realized thermal coal Prices USD/t81981006668142
Matellgurical USD/t1021191198985134
ROM coal production Mt23.
Sales Mt20.722.121.620.219.84.64
Thermal coal (Mt)
Metallurgical coal (Mt)4.46.0(****)
Last five years of operations

I have updated the information based on the last quarterly report. Both types of coal prices are up.

I have tried to calculate some here. The coal run-of-mine (ROM) production FY21 was 20.7Mt, Managed coal sales were 19.8Mt. The company sells coal about 20Mt each year. The production and sales look stable for at least 5 years even with COVID-19 and bushfires, and floods. So, the average sales of coal are about 20Mt/year = 55kt/day. The gross profit a day would be 55kt*(212USD/0.719-74)= A$12.1 million a day. They are getting 12.1 m/1.03 b = $0.0117 per share a day. If I assume 55kt*(120USD/0.719-74)= A$5.11 million a day. They are getting 5.13 m/1.03 b = $0.005 per share a day. The net debt is 808.5m at the end of FY21, 67 days just needed to pay them all with the current 212USD/ton level. Now it is a level of 150USD/ton, even with this high rate of coal price, it takes some time for WHC to pay off the debts.

FY20 sales = 17.2Mt*(66/0.67)+3.0Mt*(89/0.67)=1694m+398m=2092m

FY21 sales = 17.2Mt*(68/0.74)+2.6 Mt*(85/0.74)=1580m+298m=1878m

Somehow, I am off for about 371m and 321m from Revenues, why? I need to revise here again.

FY21 profit = 17.2Mt*(68/0.74-74)+2.6Mt*(85/0.74-74)=308m+106m=412m, this is also different from EBITDA or NPAT. Maybe I need to understand the account better. I will update these later.

(***) I see the inconsistency of the cost of coal/ton or unit cost/ton (****) I might have missed but I could not find the number in financial reports from WHC.

The data was taken from tradingeconomics.com. Sorry I didn’t have data itself so rough analysis. I put unit cost/ton level, NPAT, and Revenues. Now, we see WHC will enjoy the highest coal price last the 10 years. As long as I see it I will hold it until when the coal price goes down to 120USD/t level. As long as I can see it in the future today (November 2021), it will be until August 2022. As described in the last paragraph, at that level, the company keeps making money.

In the quarterly report on October 14th, 2021, the company said they will keep paying down their senior debt facility, they expect to repay the debt facility early in CY22 and be in the net cash position in March 2022 quarter. So hopefully, eventually the share price will be going up. The highest price in the last 5 years was A$5.89/share @July 6th, 2018. If the coal price is higher than 120 USD/t and keeps it there, they will break this price, I think…..

ASX research 5: UNITI GROUP LIMITED (UWL) 1st ed. 2021/11/08

As far as I understand, the company is a fibre infrastructure business that has three pillars of business, wholesales & infrastructure, a Communications Platform as a Services, and Consumer & business. The company grew so quickly in revenue, earnings and free cash flow since listing by buying companies over 2019-2020. Now the company says it is under organic growth. Since the listing, now the company 6th largest company in ASX in April 2021, at the time of writing November 2021, it is 4th largest after Spark New Zealand Ltd (SPK). Now it is bigger than Chorus and Vocus (Vocal was removed from the list because of Voyage taking over).

FY19H1 FY19H2 FY20H1 FY20H2 FY21H1 FY21H2
Revenue (A$m)3.111.322.036.254.6105.3

The UWL was listed in February 2019. The company is continuously growing However, the company underlying EPS is still $0.06 on FY20 and $0.09 on FY21. Looking at the revenue of 138.7m and NPAT of 29.2m over shares on issue is 685.22m, the current share price (around $4.08 on 7th November 2021) is quite expensive. It is a growth share and by looking at the share price, investors generally think that the company will be going well. But no one can see the future, so we need to check out the company keeps doing well and delivers until they find a good position in the internet infrastructure business.

One can say the Uniti can be on the right track for several reasons,

  1. Property markets are expanding …. Even during the pandemic, the demand for the property is very strong. After lockdown was lifted, the constructions started, the could put the cable in for those properties.
  2. Life style is changing …. I am not sure the future but I believe more people want to work from home now, maybe some employee likes to buy home bit far from city and they need a good connectivity to work remotely.
  3. Digital economy is coming …. The need for the connectivity at home, the office, and fuctory is only expanding. If they can deliver good, fast, relaible connectivity, they will get more costomers. These new degital economy, such as e-sports, IoT, AI, smart factories all need connectivity.
  4. They have recurring bussiness … They are expanding in greenfield, more and more contracted / in contracted premise to provide connectivity. Once they are stable, the company can have recurring bussiness with the customers.

Now the company is the 4th largest listed in ASX, by thinking of Spark is for New Zealanders, the UWL now is the 3rd in Australia. If people think the company could be next Telstra or TPG, the market capitalization can go 4 times to 10 times. Once they can provide excellent connectivity for the premise in Australia after they get a good number of customers in Australia, the company will have a good recurring business. On the other hand, the total secured premise is just over 0.5 million, although the expanding rapidly like 15% in a half year, still, we need to check in these number continuously grow.

FY21H1 FY21H2ratio
Total Secured premises (k)438501.915.0%
The total number of secured premises

This company is one of the growth stocks in ASX, In the last 12 months, the company grew statedly, it became 3.34 times larger in the last 12 months. It has been tough in the last two months. Maybe investors do not like very low EPS, high P/E ratio. I should see this last 2 months’ trend, we can see the company will actually fly or the share price could stack around $4/shares. Let see how the company will grow.






今は限界の正体という為末大氏の本を読んでいる。為末氏は陸上競技のオリンピアンであるがビジネスもされていて本もいくつか書かれている。自分の限界は自分とかいろんな要素で決まっていてなかなか面白い話となっていた。今は半分程度を読んだところだがこの本もレビューを書こうと思っている。英語の本はBeyond Global WarmingというSyukuro Manabe, Anthony J. Broccoli氏が書かれたものを読んでいる。Manabe氏が今年のノーベル物理学をきっかけにして彼のまとめた本を読みたくなったので読んでいる。最初の章からきちんとデータを示されていてすでに納得感のある本となっている。サマリー書くのは内容も簡単ではないため難しいがかなり地球温暖化についてはサイエンスベースでも優しく書かれていると思う。大変勉強になりそうだ。


今天是星期二。我的研究是好的。我今天有一个演讲。年底前我没有很多工作日。希望我写我的论文。我这周有一个实验和两个演讲 。我很忙。

煤炭的价格又高了,是163USD/ton。我的投资组合是好的。我再写一篇公司分析 。我会写它为这个博客。


Book review No.23: The Last Correspondent by Michael Smith

I have read this book because I wanted to know what is happening in China. Michael Smith is a north Asia correspondent of Australian Financial Review and he is currently based in Tokyo. I am grateful for him reporting his experiences in China. I like to visit China if I have a chance after this pandemic.

I have been to China three times in my life, the first time is sometime maybe 20 years ago in Beijing for a high school trip. I remember I brought some Chinese yuan and that was big money for Chinese people at that time. I enjoyed negotiating what to buy at shops in the street for souvenirs which I could not do in Japan. I remember several places I visited and friends I was with. Also, there is a picture of me being with my friend. I remember I wore a Chinese dress, it was a boys school, we were kidding around. The 2nd time is for an international conference in Beijing in 2011. I was a PhD student at that time. I enjoyed going there. I remember on the first day, my laptop was broken and I went to some Sony shop somewhere in Beijing to get it fixed. I went to Macdonald there to eat my lunch. I was lucky I had the laptop fixed by the end of the day. I am grateful to the hotel manager and the sony engineer for helping me out. The third time, I went to Shengyang for a workshop that my friend hold in his institute in 2019. It is supposed to have the workshop every year after that, but it does not happen because of the pandemic.

In this book, Michael Smith writes about his experience especially in 2018 – 2020. He writes about Xingjian, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the beginning of the pandemic, how he left China and so on. The western media and Chinese media could have their stories as always. The information in this book could be getting old since the book is published. However, writing like his personal memoir helps me to feel better about what happened there. I enjoyed his writing. To be honest, he didn’t write much about his view or opinion on that book, I see he writes his observations based on his experiences. So you don’t get more information you can get from the news however if you want to get the feeling of a journalist being there, you can get it from this book. I will recommend reading this book.

China is a big country it is hard to grasp at a glance. I want to travel there to see more. I am especially interested in going to Chongqing sometime in near future. It looks very beautiful there. Now, Michael Smith is in Tokyo, I want to expect him to write something more about Japan.