Find something I want to work hard

Monday is gone so quickly. I should start working on the paper. I want to finish the paper this week. I hope I can do another round of updating the manuscript before submitting the paper. Other than that, life is very consistent. Our colleagues started working on the restart plan of doing experiments. I am happy to get back to my office and instrument to perform the experiments but I want to avoid at least by the end of October before I am fully vaccinated.

This morning, I was watching the news from premier talking about the vaccination. It seems it is very hard for those who don’t want the vaccine for COVID-19. Once the lockdown starts easing, a lot of people will be going out. The unvaccinated people will be vulnerable but the message seems to be warnning them like “If they don’t want to be vaccinated, you are your own…” Last Saturday, I was talking to a friend in Sydney, unlike me, he is not going to get vaccinated because he doesn’t want to. But life will be hard for him I believe. I don’t know what happens after lockdown time is over. The only I can do is just doing my part.

We are already mid-September, I started worrying about my visa which expires within the next half year. I will start preparing the documents for the application. I might take longer to get all the documents under the current situation so I should start earlier.

Last week, I found some Facebook comments from my friend. His way of thinking about his career is similar to mine and also we are about the same age. I guess this is a general problem at my age. We already have an established career and we know what to do. So that, we can predict what we could do in next 10 years so, we can see how the professional work life is going to be. When we are young, we had something to work hard for because we are preparing for a future career we don’t know about but after working more than 10 years in the industry, now we have pretty good ideas on how it works. When I was younger, I study hard to learn English because I believed if I can speak English very fluently, I thought I can be more comfortable doing work and enjoy life. But I am not a native English speaker so I can see how hard to get to a native level. I can still make it work. Now we don’t have much incentive on learning English like before. I know there are a lot of improvements I should make but even if I do it by doing very hard work, what will I make out of it?

So what I want is something I can devote. Of course, I can do physics but I spent most of my time in physics last 20 years. the improvement is very slow but I should surely do it. I can’t improve my running much and even if I improve a lot, what would I get? Maybe I start working philosophy again. I was listening to Arthur Schopenhauer this morning. I should start focusing on another intellectual endevour.



Your life is your preparations

We are still lockdown time. We can only wander around in our local government area. But we can still find a omewhere to go since our LGA is big enough. I was a bit scared to go out far so I still haven’t done it so I just took walk near our apartment. We went to the Como Pleasure Ground just 10 min’s driving from our apartment. It is nice to go out during this hard time. I saw many boats here, hope I can buy one of them soon.

I got a nice day today. I could run this morning and play video games in the afternoon. I am watching Good Girls on Netflix, I can’t stop watching the show. Anything else? No. I can space out my mind. It is a good day I didn’t need to think at all. I just enjoy a day.

These days I am feeling better than before. I had anxiety last several years but now I feel generally better. I am getting 40 years old soon in a year. In my life, what have I done? I can see the course I will go to, I can predict what my life will be if I don’t have kids. For work-life, I know what I can do but I can imagine how much I can do in near future. I can’t be a 1st class physicist for sure however I try from now to be 2nd class or 3rd class one. Maybe I can do some small works but not a big contribution to physics. But I will try my best, you know?

Financially, I am not rich, I won’t be. Even I try hard I can predict roughly how many assets I gonna have in my lifetime. It is not much but still, I can do something for this community. I will do my best to create knowledge by writing papers and help the economy grow by investing some money.

What I learnt this morning is the world is getting divided between developed countries and developing countries. For now, it looks fine but after the developed countries open up their country after the 2nd dose of vaccinations, because a lot of developing countries are not vaccinated so they can’t get back on the track on time, so developed countries are getting back on track of growth but developing countries will lag. Unfortunately, in the next twelve months, something big can happen like some currency default. I need to be careful and patient. Since the GFC, it has passed more than 10 years, everyone felt something bad happen in the economy during COVID-19 but I will feel the next big thing can happen after this Covid-19. Be prepared as always. I should be careful like always.







今回はIPOの優先オファーを受けたので出した。この会社は私が把握している限りハロイサイトとカオリナイトの探索プロジェクトの会社になる。まだまだ駆け出しの会社だが量子コンピュータの会社からスピンオフで出てきた会社。 ハロイサイトとカオリナイト に加えていくつかクラファイト、カッパー、金の探索もやるようだ。今回のIPOで4-6億円程度の資金を調達するようでそれを元に探索すると思われる。 ハロイサイトとカオリナイト からはアルミニウムが取れそうだとおもうが、アルミニウムも高騰しているのでこの会社もIPOで上がるかもしれない。しかし、直近ではほぼ資産もないので上がらないとも思う。一株$0.2でIPOするがIPO後も普通に見積もって$0.16とかそんなものだろう。ただし探索の話は面白そうだし、会社は主にSouthAustraliaのプロジェクトでちょっとマイナーな州が大きく当てて発展していくというのは夢がある。今回投資をするつもりではなくお金はないのでミニマムの金額を寄せ集めてなんとか応募した。いい機会だし良い経験にもなるかな?これについては調べてもうちょっと書いてもいいけどな。これはまた今度の話。






你知道中国语文章容易阅读吗? 我想读更多中文。

I should have a clear goal.

Just Wednesday is gone now this week. I am working on the abstract and presentation of my talks. I will have 5 or so presentations in Japan, Australia, and Taiwan. I am not focused these days. I think I just need to finish one by one. I found several mistakes on the paper and my co-author noticed so I will update the information. But I feel I am stupid. I don’t like that. But the good thing is the mistake has been found and I can correct it. The final goal is writing a good paper without mistakes. I will do my best to finish this paper. Now I am feeling I need to spend more time on this paper and another paper as possible during this lockdown. I have several papers I also want to work on but I should focus on otherwise I can’t finish anything. So focus on the paper writing during lockdown time.

The lockdown seems to go at least mid-October here in NSW. Unfortunately. Our institute has one COVID-19 case and he/she was in the building I work for. Of course, I didn’t go there so it should be fine, but I feel I can’t go back to the office until I get vaccinated. My vaccine will come in late September and mid-October. Hope I can finish many jobs before then. But as I wrote, there are a lot of presentations so I might not have time so September and October are important times to write.

I should stick to my professional work on physics. Now we change the arrangement of desk for working from home. I am happy with this arrangement, I can work better now.

Tonight, I would like to apply for IPO with priority right. I have never done IPO before and by looking at the company’s prospectus, I don’t see any reason the share goes up so high since they are a company just established. By looking for the company’s financial statements, there is nothing there. So if they go IPO with $0.2/share, it looks like $0.16-0.17/share. Because they are exploring a company before they find something, the price is as it is. But I feel this is a good time to learn something like this. I don’t know how many times in my life I can have the priority right for the IPO, so let’s give it a shot. Hope I can experience I have never. I might lose money but hope it should be fine.

Nothing else is happening. I start thinking about how we end this year. I need to spend the leaves I didn’t use but I don’t feel like it because I can’t go anywhere. Unfortunately, I can’t find something I want to do because I am at home all the time.

By the way, I just saw Japan’s vaccination late reach 60% (as long as I see if they exclude the younger than 12 years old, the number is about 10% higher) for 1st dose. I feel they are slow compared to NSW, one reason is, of course, they have a lot more people there but still, it looks they are slow. But the rate is steadily going up so that it good. The stock price of the Tokyo market remarkably well since PM Suga declared he was not going to up for election for leader of the ruling party. Maybe I need to find out how to vote for it. In the next few months, I might write about some politics in Japan.












Try what you are a bit unconfortable with.

Sunday late night. I am about to go to bed. This weekend went well I guess at least for me. I am having on a few things that make my mind busy.

I am trying to figure out to apply for the IPO of some companies. I believe I can get some priority offer for this because I have another company that originally sold this company’s business. I am reading the company’s prospectus which has more than 350 pages. I am reading though. The company is basically a mineral exploring company. The history of this company is very short just started this year. They want to raise 5-7 million from IPO.

By looking at the company, so far not much to evaluate. Of course, they haven’t started yet. On the other hand, it seems there are several managers who have experience in this field like more than 30 years. Also, the founder has been working on several companies related to the business area. It is really hard to say. In the current stage, the company have nothing and is very new. There is no expectation they will make money in a short time frame Also, I have checked several IPOs in the last two years. To me, these exploration companies are not doing well. So investing much money is not an option but maybe I can buy a minimum rot. So I can learn something about this type of arrangement.

I thought I should write my analysis of other companies I already have but they are delayed, simply I have other interests for now. But I should do this because we are reporting season. It is good timing to summarise the company so far.

I started reading about the book on the economy in Okinawa, Japan. I have visited there several times. People generally believe Okinawa is doing well in Japan. The economy is booming. But actually, it is not an easy story. The poverty in Okinawa is the worst in Japan. The book is about why. I am looking forward to reading further.

The day passed so fast. Now we are going on Monday. I have to finish writing and updating my paper. I will do my best to finish these. Hope these writings make my mind busy so I don’t need to worry too much about COVID in Sydney. The NSW is doing well for the vaccinations, but the number of cases now is the highest and the NSW government believes the peak coming in a week or so. Hope everything is fixed in a few months.







