






今日はこれからのスケジューリングをした。また新しい論文のEditorial Board Memberに正式に任命されたのでこれからその論文の宣伝活動もしていく。日本刀のレポートを書かなくてはいけない。これは明日にでもやって、本格的に自分の論文に取り掛かっていく。今週末には大体ドラフトを仕上げていきたい。今の二つの論文は本当に大事。しっかり集中して終わらしていく。





I am ready to get back to work.

It is Sunday night already. I will come back to work from a week off. I will start working from home this week. To be honest I like better work in the office since I have a big screen to do the research on. But I would try working from home to see if it works or not.

This week, I need to finish one manuscript review for my collaborators on Monday, I have to finish one report for the Japanese swords project since I got crowdfunding. Then, two of my papers I have to work on. These two papers are the most important job this year. I should finish them. Let me focus on this. This time, I have 7 weeks to finish these two papers. I hope I don’t have any interruptions. I am looking forward to doing them.

Luckily, I have many things I would like to do, but they can’t finish without working hard. I should finish one by one, not worrying too much about the future.

I am a physicist. So I solve problems. I don’t know how much I can write here but I will do it as much as I can. I will start writing more from tomorrow.








Read more and try more.

Friday night. A week has passed so quickly. I maybe have accomplished anything. But my motivation for the work is now great. I am looking forward to work very much. The first thing I have to focus on is writing a paper. I should write a paper but I have several things I have to finish before that.

I am looking into some quantum computing. I just started investing time to understand this. I was a physics major with and PhD in material science but now I regret I didn’t spend much time on this. Now I am thinking of investing in some quantum computing companies. Before I will have the cash to invest, I should have one month. I would like to know the future of quantum computing in Australia very much. If you have some interesting books on quantum computing in Australia, please let me know.

Someone said there are three skills you need to have in the 21st century. They are IT, Financial literacy, and English. Since I have lived in English speaking countries for about 8 years. Now I think I am OK. I should spend more time on financial literacy and IT. If I can use English to understand these two, that would be great.

One thing I recently realized is if you don’t understand it does not matter how much you read in any language. And these concepts we need to understand are related, so I should increase the knowledge that I understand.

Things that keep me going are inspiration, curiosity, reading, understanding, and execution. I should make them habits so I don’t need the energy to do them. Now, I believe reading gives me a lot of chances to face new things, if I don’t know there is no inspiration and curiosity, understanding, now execution. So I will keep reading.

My grant proposal has been approved.

【Good News】台湾科技部批准了我的科学建议!私が台湾のMoST(Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan)に出していた科学研究費が承認されました。My scientific proposal to MoST (Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan) has been approved. I am very happy to hear this news.

今日はよいニュースがありました。私が台湾のMoST(Ministry of Science and Techology, Taiwan)に出していた科学研究費が承認されました。これはとても嬉しいことです。こんなことを言うとちょっと叱られるかもしれないけど、私はこれまで本当に運が良くて研究費に困ったという経験がなくて、学生やポスドクの時には指導教授や上司だった教授にはあまり研究費については気にせずに研究させてもらえたし、そのあとは国立研究所勤めになったのであまり研究資金に困るということがなかったのです。一方でお金を取ってでもどうしてもやりたいことというものがなくて、現場にすでにあるものでやりたい研究は大体できていたという感覚だったんですね。ある意味無能研究者。でも研究者にとっては研究費を取ってくることは実績にもなるのでいろいろと頭を使って英語で30ページ弱の申請書を書いて出しておきました。よく台湾の友人の先生方にも言われていたのはグラントを取っておくと台湾でも顔が知られるようになるから良いとアドバイスと受けていて、取れるなら取っておこうと思った。もし日本に研究者として帰るとなってもグラントをちゃんと継続して取れているっていうのは評価になると思うし悪いことではないのです。ただ一方でこれまで取らなかった理由は資金の使い方の難しさね。僕は台湾の研究者でオーストラリアに派遣されているので、とにかくお金が使いづらいってこと。いろいろ使い方も考えての研究資金を申請した。一昨年の一回目はめちゃくちゃボロクソ言われて落ちたのだが、その査読者が僕のアイデアについてこれなかったとポジティブシンキングで乗り越えて(てか落ちてから逆に燃えた)。結局何年かかって通って誠に嬉しい。あといやらしい話手当も増える。モチベーションも上がってきた。台湾の納税者の皆さまにローコストハイリターンの研究を頑張ってお届けします!

My scientific proposal to MoST (Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan) has been approved. I am very happy to hear this news. I will do my best to give Taiwanese taxpayers a great return from their investment.

I am happy to get a new manuscript


I am reading several books now. In Japanese, I just finished reading about the Chinese economy written by Takahashi Youichi. I like him so I found it interesting. The book was published in May 2016 so it is a bit old book. Usually, I like the way of his talking about politics and the economy but I was not impressed by this book, to be honest. He was working as an official at the ministry of finance in Japan after he had been graduated and got PhD in Math from the University of Tokyo. Usually, his analysis is very sharp and give the audience a clear opinion. He is good at making himself understood. But this book, I didn’t see it. He usually shows us the figures he made but I didn’t see it in the book. Anyways, to be honest, most of the information I have already known. I could refresh my mind. After that, I am reading the history of coal in English. To be honest, I felt a bit boring so far. I just wanted to know the situation of coal in near future to make a better decision on investing. The book was talking about the history of coal in the U.K., and now it is talking about the history of coal in the U.S. Currently, it is talking like in the era of world war I.

Next book in Japanese, I am reading the book on how to read financial statements. I am investing money while I am interested in researching good companies. In English, I just started reading “The Last Correspondence” which is a book by an Australian journalist who left Beijing last year. I am looking forward to reading more.

I would like to read more about Australian politics and the economy. I can’t find many books. Usually, I can find it in Japanese but I don’t find many books talking about it on Kindle. I am not sure. If you know good books talking about Australian history, culture, economy, politics, please let me know. Since I am investing in Australia so I would like to grasp to know what is happening in Australia. I should read more new papers more but I hesitate to subscribe to a newspaper which costs money like every week.

Now, I got a manuscript I need to working on by Monday. My collaborators in Nanjing, China sent me. This year the number of paper is far behind compared to 2020. Anyways, I am looking forward to reading it. Just read, write, and submit as many as possible.





特に最近気になっているのはNothern Star Resources(NST:ASX)。この会社は金鉱山会社だが、株価はUnderperformだと思っている。金はETFでも簡単に買えるようになって価格があがってきており、さらにコロナ以前にもましてコロナ後に先進国政府がお金を擦り続けていることにより金の価格があがっていく(つまり通貨の下落)傾向にあると思っているが今はそんなに簡単ではないようだ。それにしても前に比べたら金価格は高いので鉱山会社も良くなってくるはずなのだが会社の株価は金価格に比べて回復が遅い。これについてはなかなかよくわからないが、長期的には金価格が今を維持するか価格があがってきて鉱山会社のEPSも上がってくるはずなのでNSTの株価も上がってくるはずだ。


Almost the end of the financial year


I don’t understand. The thermal coal price is almost the highest last 10 years however the share price of the coal mining company I invested in is still low. I actually don’t understand. The company said the cost of mining coal is about A$74/ton and the thermal coal price is about 127.15USD/ton. They should have plenty of margins to make a profit. I understand that coal price was very low in the late half of 2020 but I came back in December 2020. Almost 8 months of low coal price has damaged the company’s balance sheet for sure but now the company should make money now and in the near future. I think the share is cheap. Maybe people believe the coal industry has no future so the company can’t go higher. Also, now is the time of the end of the financial year, people are working finalizing their profit or loss for the FY2021. Maybe that is one reason. I should keep watching.

Other shares, actually I sold the silver and gold ETF. I believe metal should go higher at some point but I have shares of a gold mining company so it should be fine. Now I am reducing the number of companies. I don’t know this could work or not. I should keep learning. I bought some shares of the coal mining company and also I will buy some share on DSK.

I believe the DSK in ASX is a good company. The DSK is a company that sells candles and other home fragrance products. I like that company, I buy something for myself, like candles and fragrance in my rooms. The company just did IPO in 2020. I believe the valuation is good. By looking at Marketindex, only less than 600 shareholders. I believe this is very small. I thought not many investors are investing. They have 120 stores in Australia and could expand in NZ sometime soon. And the customers spending is increasing while the cost of doing business is improving. And online shopping is also increasing. The market cap is about 200 millions or so. I can imagine by expanding stores and online market, it could be 1B at least. I can think that going overseas not difficult as long as they have good products. So I will try to buy more shares of this company in early July.

By the way, as for my work, our proposals review is finished. I got 7 proposed experiments that have passed. I am happy about the outcome. I should spend more time on writing my own paper and I should do more collaborations. I am busy enough being a professional scientist.

In the longer term, what should I do as a scientist? Now, I realized I have to a professional physicist and I have to have expertise. My expertise is studying magnetic excitations and magnetic structural analysis, and neutron scattering with triple-axis spectrometers. I should spend more time to be a better scientist on this two expertise. On the other hand, I should collaborate better with other scientists based on my expertise. I should invest more time in collaborations. Then I should understand more about their science. And I have to expand my expertise but not too much. I would like to publish my paper as many as possible. Co-authored papers are also important. Also, I would like to expand the experiment in polarized neutron scattering experiments to expand my expertise.

Anyways, writing skill is a core skill. Also, I like to read. So I should spend more time on writing and reading. If I can write better and more, I should have more chance to expand my fields. I will keep going.














Days off and lockdown.

Today is the first day of a week off. It was great. But at the same time, Greater Sydney goes into lockdown state because of the COVID-19 recent outbreak. We have to stay home as much as possible for two weeks. Even I take days off I don’t have anywhere to go. So spend something it is useful.

Now I started reading books about Mr Toru Muranishi. I found it online. Mr Muranishi has been a model for Naked Director which is one of the shows on Netflix. I enjoyed the showing so I was interested in the person. I found it interesting. In the book, Muranishi was talking about money, desire, business, professionalism. To be honest, some of them are not welcomed in now but I found quite interesting.

Now I would like to spend more time find a nice company in ASX. For me, finding good company and business. Even I lose money by investing wrong company in short term. It will be a good opportunity to learn more. I already have a lot of company I want to invest in. Since I want to invest money from my monthly salary so I don’t have any chance to do it. So every month, I will invest in either new company or chose one company in my portfolio. By invesitng money, I should learn the business very seriously.

What else am I interested in. I guess. It is writing. My goal in my life should be writing more of scientific work based on the data I have. I should write more but I want to do a good scientific work anytime. Now I am feeling I can do better by collaborating with my friends. I am more confident of my work in physics. In the scientific work, writing is the most important work. Also, starting good project, doing good experiment, doing good analysis, and writing. All part is important. I would like equally investing time to do better. So I should spent time in each part and I would like to go higher level in every part to be a good sscientist. I should do it one by one but I should not give up.

By writing this, I feel I am not learning antying a day? or I am not proceeging. I lost enthusium on science? Maybe not. Maybe I should face myself, I should express my finding every day and improve my writing.

Now what is a goal? I would like to spend more time of my scientific work and I would like to find more collaborators. I would like to expand what I can and my network can. Now, today I was thinking I should spend more time to investing time to talk to collabrator of mine and potential collabortors. By watching Mr. Muranishi’s show, I realized how consistently work and invest time to build up great business, team and community is important. I was doing OK, but I think I can do better, by writing more paper and collaborating with more scientists. Now I can find where to improve as an scientist.