

  • 私が今やっている仕事について
  • 私が学んだことについて
    1. 仮説とはなんだったか
    2. 誤差について
    3. 論理的思考とは何で、なぜ必要か?
  • 私が物理学について思っていること



















予想で有名なのはフェルマーの最終定理で出てきたTaniyama-Shimura Conjectureですね。アンドリューワイルズはこのアイデアを証明(Prove)したことがフェルマーの最終定理の章の証明(Proof)の中心部分でありました。予想とは今抱えている問題に対して方針を立てるようなことでしょうか?このような指針で問題は解けるのではないかと提案しているわけであります。


科学ではないかもしれませんが、この仮説で僕が思いつくもっとも有名なものは効率的市場仮説です。この効率的市場仮説は市場は情報的に効率的であるという仮説でした。この仮説はどれだけの情報が効率的であるかによって実際には三つに立場がわかれます。WeakかSemi-StrongかStrongです。Weakの場合は市場で現在決まっている価格は過去の情報と連動しているわけではない。という立場。Semi-Strongは公開情報(Public available information)をすべて盛り込んでいるが、個人的に蓄積されている情報(Personal information)は盛り込まれていない。Strongは公開されている情報も個人的に情報もすべて現在の価格に盛り込まれているとするものであります。


英語ではPrivate information とPublic available informationですから、なかなか訳がうまく思い浮かびません。個人情報と訳すと少し違いますから。パブリック情報とプライベート情報としてみます。これら情報は新聞を考えてみると分かりやすいかも知れません。新聞はパブリック情報ですね。なので新聞をみて、ニュースに株価に直結するような情報を得て、株式を買っても遅いわけです。でも、僕はSemiStrongを支持しますから、もし過去すべての新聞をかき集めてきて、またIRやCEOのコメントを集め、ファイナンシャルステイトメントを分析して、IRから企業戦略を理解し、CEOのコメントからこれから会社に起こることを予想し、過去のパターンなどを分析して、この企業の株価は近々上昇するかもしれない、今は安くもしくは高く売られていると判断するわけですね。たとえば。









5.法則(Physical Law)とは物理現象の説明として、理論的観点からよく検証され、実験的観測を通して一般化されたものです。物理の法則して成り立てば、物理現象は予測することが出来ます。

たとえばニュートンの力学から一般化された万有引力は物理学の法則ですから、この力学をつかって、この法則を使って立てたモデルの範囲内で物理現象を予測することが出来ます。惑星の運動などを予測するためにはこの法則を使っているのだと思います。アインシュタインの理論(Theory)から重力波が予測され、それを検出されたのが最近の物理学の大きな話題でした。この理論を使って予測されるものがすべて(実際には十分に)あたるようだと人が理解するとすれば物理法則(Physical Law)になるのでしょうかね。





次に、論理的思考が我々に必要なのでしょうか?私はそれを実は起業家であるElon Muskから学びました。実は僕らが本当に真に新しいことをしようとしたり、発見しようとしたら、我々は根本的な事実に立ち戻り、それを元に論理を立てて、現象を説明していかなければなりません。私らは論理的に物理現象を説明し、直感では見つけられないものを見つけます。探偵シャーロックホームズもどんなに信じられなくても、可能性があるものをすべて取り除いて、それしか残らないのであれば、それが真実でなのであるといいました。











だから、ここから面白くなってくるのです。たとえばこういう風に見つけた科学的現象は完全に哲学で言うところのPrioriなのか、そうではないのか。簡単に答えられなくなってくるわけです。そして理解するということもなかなか難しくなってくるわけであります。たとえば、僕の最も好きな本とPhysics and Beyond(日本語訳“部分と全体”)いう本の中でパウリというハイゼンベルグ(パウリはハイゼンベルグの研究室の先輩に当たる)のパウリがハイゼンベルグに正直に原子の内部に電子軌道があることを信じられるか?と聞く場面があります。我々は数式により実験的にも我々をそれを本当に心(頭では無くて)で感じるかとは違うのです。だから腑に落ちるという言葉はとても深いのです。本当に頭と心で理解したのかと。中性子は量子力学的実体ですから、波であり、粒子であります。僕は普段実験していても、不思議に思うことがあるんです。不思議だなと。












矢野真一郎 2016年9月3日インドネシア、バリ島にて

Why we misunderstand our reality.

I was wandering why people think they are smart these days including me. We are internet age (almost for 20 years?), we can access a lot of information so easily but that makes us smart or good decision maker? I was not sure. The reason why I was thinking has been, after big earthquake and Fukushima accident in Japan, it seemed to me people make sometime irrational decisions. So, I was wandering what went wrong? based on what, we are making decisions? I am a scientist so I thought back what we do to make decisions in scientific context. Then, I wrote that down in Japanese. I don’t know how much I could write in English but I am trying to do that here.

This is my understanding, so I don’t want to argue it with you. If you want to know more about these things, please look for textbooks. Anyways, let me do it. We have several stages of understanding in physics,  or haven’t we?

  1. Conjecture : Proposition to solve a problem to explain physical phenomena we are facing. Usually ideas, thoughts, directions, and advises. At this stage, this proposition is not unproven. I can come up with Taniyama-Shimura conjecture as conjecture to prove Fermat’s last theorem has been proofed by Andrew Wiles.
  2. Hypothesis : Proposed explanation on the physical phenomena based on observations. Hypothesis should be stronger than conjecture.
  3. Thesis : Based on observations physical phenomena and testings hypothesis, the thesis would be proposed as a statement we could use a presumption of argument. Scientific papers and doctoral thesis we write might be here.
  4. Theory : An explanation of physical phenomena thoroughly tested, and most scientists agree on it. By using theory, we could make models. These models should explain physical phenomena. If theory is right, these models could also predict the result. For example, based on Einstein’s theory, scientists had predicted gravitational wave. They have succeeded to observe it.
  5. Physical law : Scientifically generalized law of physical phenomena. By using physical law, we could predict the future incident on where the law is applicable. Newton’s laws are thoroughly tested and generalized so we could predict the movement of planet as long as on where the law of universal gravitation dominates.

So I am basically doing 1-3 during research. Some scientist also do 3-5, such as LIGO (detecting gravitational wave predicted by Einstein’s theory). Maybe R&D in company normally is working on 4-5 to make products.

Now, I started to understand. We usually make conjectures (I meant we come up with thoughts or ideas about news on TV or so) but we are not doing tests on the ideas or thoughts, even we don’t hypothesize. If we could have hypothesis, we could or might be able to perform the tests and know them better. Is there any problem here? No, as long as they are not crucial to our life. What is wrong with it? Nothing, as long as the problems are not serious.

Sometimes, however, it could be serious. We don’t usually do hypothesizing and testing because it take efforts and time, because we need to work hard to figure things out. Biggest problem here is that we profoundly make false assumptions, however, we feel as if we are doing O.K. Even though we haven’t done anything these hypothesizing and testing.  We don’t investigate the quality of decision we make once the problem has pasted. That was weirdness I was feeling. We behave like we made a right decision because the problem has passed away.

I was good at math in school but was not the best. Why is that? Because, I had mistakenly believed I could have solved the problems so I didn’t solved them when I thought I could solve them. But I should have fill out paper until the teachers were convinced.

We can’t solve every questions and problems in our life, we have to use time wisely and efficiently, for which is important to ourselves. Otherwise, we don’t have much time by the time we die. Don’t tweet or post ideas on twitter or Facebook, just start solving it!!


Thinking on vacation

I am on vacation at Bali island in Indonesia. I have decided to do nothing during this holiday and I am not doing nothing but relaxing. I am always at hotel. I am reading, writing, and of course pondering my life with Indonesian local beer Bintan. And I am playing chess which I have learnt how to play recently. I started winning against a weak computer but I keep losing against human players. I am listening to band playing tonight at bar in the hotel, what a relaxing night!

I thought I wanted to write more but maybe I am starting from tonight.

The reason why I wanted to have this kind of time was, I guess, because I have experienced a big jump in my career, which is good thing, but I have been kind of overwhelmed my responsibility even though I have been motivated and excited about the job. By looking back my last 2 years, however, I would say I grew a lot as a scientist. Still, I believe I can do better and I would love to be a better scientist. I am not satisfied at all. So I wanted to think what I have learnt, what I can do better, and then how I want to tune and check my strategy as a physicist.

So, anyway, I haven’t talked to anything about what I am doing in Australia, have I? I am working as an instrument scientist for one of cold triple axis spectrometer (cold TAS) newly built by Taiwanese research team. They have spent 10 years to build and now we are on business for science. I can quickly come up with 10 other cold triple axis spectrometers in the world but they are almost all. There are not so cold triple axis spectrometers  in this world. So, Australia got one now. Sadly, Japan has two but Japanese had to stop using research reactor so Japanese are not using them. Europe (Germany and French especially) and America have great ones. As for Asia Oceania area, I would honestly say that I am taking great advantage by working in Australia because currently we have only one cold TAS in Asia Oceania area (since Japanese ones are not working).  I am working as an instrument scientist which means I can know deeply what science has been studied this area by reading proposals and involving experiments. What a remarkable opportunity for a young scientist like me.

As I wrote, last two years, I have learnt a lot but I didn’t have time to write down, one reason is because I wanted to be careful what I  write in public. I need to digest what I have seen and brew my ideas to express in public. I might be still wrong anyways. The other is because I was lazy to think through when I am working. Anyways, I am on vacation so it is time to ponder what I have learnt. For me, I am struggling by doing physics even though I am handling fundamental things such as neutron, electron, and magnetic moment! but it is still difficult. How am I comfortably able to be confident with other things around the world? So let me think and I will be writing following things within few days,

  • As an experiment physicist – what I am doing as a job
    • instrument scientist
    • neutron scattering in Asia Oceania
    • Statistics around me
  • My current focus on physics – what I am looking for
    • Magnetism
    • Superconductivity
    • Why they are mysterious in physics, in our space, and in our future
  • What I have learnt – how much we can know from what we have
    • Statics error and systematic error
    • What was hypothesis? Conjecture, thesis, theory and physical law.
    • Difference between tactics and strategies
    • What is logical thinking?
    • What is talent as scientist, what make a great scientist great?


Ignorant as a scientist

I have been reading books about Dr Richard Feynman. He is one of best American physicist in history. His life is very interesting to me both as human being and scientist. I am not sure there is correlation between hardship on life people have and great achievement they can achieve. But at least, because of the hardships, people might think deeper and can have philosophy of life.

Then, I am reading book about Elon Musk. His life is also interesting. I think I would like to read biographies more. These biography books give me energy when I work on difficult problems. The problem is once I read one biography, I normally find 2-3 book to read next. After Elon Musk, I would like to re-read about “Howard Hughes”, “Warren Buffet”, or “Albert Einstein” for sure. I know there is more to come.

From Feynman, this time what I learned is “ignorant” as a scientist. If scientist doesn’t have answer to a problem, he is ignorant.This is strong words but I do understand now. Physicist does best because we are using very fundamental elements to prove our hypothesis, still it is insanely difficult. I am sometimes asked my boss, what is the problem? I can’t say I am not sure because there should be somewhere the reason. As a professional scientist I have to find out what the problem is and fix it, at worst I need to make sense. I am trying to avoid ignorance whenever we do experiment, we have now a lot of black box, such as electronics and software, we can run experiment but we can never get anywhere until I understand them very well.

The other thing is this “Scientist does not know the answer social problem because normally social problem is much harder than science.” This made very sense to me this might be long term question I was wandering these days. I was wandering by reading a lot of writing on the web,  why are they so sure what they know? How can you possibly conclude that? I was feeling like why people think they are so smart because I can see a lot of statement on the web in this internet age. People are talking and always convince someone based on never tested hypothesis, to me sometime it looks insane, even Physics is not easy, making decision in real life is a lot more tough.

Today, we stayed at lab little late like 11 p.m. or so. Since we measured the sample 40K and wanted cool back down to 0.1K, it took so long time to get there. We are using so called dilution fridge with 3He to reach below 1K, we finally reach 0.8K and we think it is going to go 0.1K  so we left after we put long scan for tonight. Hopefully we have good data by tomorrow.

I am working from April 27th so I am bit tired. I am going to be back Sydney 10th of May. I have learned a lot last two weeks. I am now motivated to improve the capability on instrument to pursuits more higher level of science. And I also started thinking how we could make our Canadian group in Australia. The neutron scattering group in university is very important because students can learn how to operate neutron scattering instrument and would grow up as professors later. And then, they will have other students under him/her. It takes very much time but this is like snowball.


Craft beers and Australian economy

I haven’t written here but I am having a lot of new craft beers and whiskey here. All Canadian team like to have beers. So every night after experiments, they are looking for a place to drink beers. It is fun actually to find my own favorites. The U.S. has huge number of craft beer brand from small companies to big companies. I remember the small college town Charlottesville in Virginia, where I used to live, has many craft beers. I got one from Charlottesville but I forgot the name. I got the other one for fridge in hotel yesterday.

Let’s talk about whisky. They like whisky as well of course. We had tour in Washington D.C. we went to whiskey bar, we enjoyed whiskey there. I got highland park 12 years. I was reading article from Bloomberg, Australian are making really expensive but small amount of whiskey at Tasmania, $600 per bottle? I became interested in I need to have it when I come back to Sydney.

Japanese are making good whiskey now you should try it. And also, Japanese started making local craft beers which is good and like in the U.S. and Canada, we will have big movement for craft beers in next 5-10 years I guess as we could see in these counties. I am hoping find good one in Japan when I visit there next time. And also Japanese are now making sparkling sake. I like them too.

By the way, I am little bit about worrying about Australian economy since Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) decreased cash rate 0.25 percent and this is the third time last 15 months. This is not good in long term. Of course RBA has to do that for stimulate economy in short term but…. Since I came to Australia, I felt awkward about this country and started looking at monetary policy and economy. Because housing and prices are super expensive. And, I looked at market and top 30 companies in market capitalization, I soon realized this country is going to be very bad when China went wrong because one third of trade of Australia is with China. I have not trained as economist but I could see something wrong. I can write some here but I would like to be careful because this is happening.

The problem is if Australia went wrong, I don’t know how this country would come back because they don’t have anything to export other than commodities (which no one want to buy when economy is bad). And the debt each households in here have is huge. I wanted to watch each parameters carefully but this is not my job and I don’t have much time for that. I hope my worry does not become true. But I believe this is inevitable because no country can’t avoid the cycle of economy. Anyways, there is nothing I can do for it.

Anyways, I am looking for plans on vacation in late August and early September. I will have been busy until then I am looking for somewhere I can escape and I can relax. I don’t want to do anything this time of vacation.



Random thoughts from today

The experiment is going well. The Canadian group should be able to write nice paper to established journal. The project is mainly for new graduate student, I think he is very talented and he did good job for making single crystal. I would like to congratulate him. We are going to get additional data to prove further in Australia by the end of year, I am quite excited about it. I now realized that as an instrument scientist working at Australia, it is quite important to have good user community around this area because I am learning a lot just working with them.

Since the experiment is stable so I could have some time to analyze my data and writing paper. I finished manuscript in January and got comments from collaborators, I am now revising papers. I need to finish this as soon as possible. I have still advantages because we found new magnetic phase under pressure in some superconducting material people have never published yet. And also we have an evidence which is needed to understand more about superconductivity on this material. We are going to submit this manuscript to somewhere which has letter form paper because I want this result to be published as soon as possible. I am now trying to figure out how I can present figures on this paper because letter form paper has limitation for number of length of paper. We need short but strong description and 4 or 5 good figures make my point.

Physics today was talking about LIGO and Pluto . I stared reading Physic today recently, I thought it is good time to know other physicist are doing. And physics today are also talking about national budget, these are good source to discuss with science politics in Japan. Physics is interesting enough to work life time. What I can contribute is very small in Physics but as long as I am having fun and professional work it works better than well. I always find nice books from this Physics today, trust me, the book they pick up should be read by few people. I enjoy finding book here about education, textbook, new topics in Physics, science policy, and so on. There is always a book to read next. I remember most now “Asia’s Space Race”, maybe I am going to write something here.

After this trip, I will be having a few experiment in May in Australia. And then, I will have crane training because I have to use crane to setting up experiment. I need to have certification after I attend 5 days crane training. This is the last job to do before I become an instrument scientist, so then I can control almost all equipment on our instrument. I am looking forward to it. In June, I have one important experiment for my project. Then, in July, I have important experiment experiment in France. I’m gonna write these soon. Oh, I forgot. I am going to move in new place right after this trip, May 10th. I am a bit uncomfortable to go to new place and start new life.



Catching up with the world

I am catching up with reading what I wanted to read. Since I am learning English, I am trying to read magazines and books in English. As for magazines, I am subscribing Nikkei Asian Review, the Economist, and Physics Today from American institute of physics. I occasionally buy Foreign Affairs and Harvard Business Review. I am now enjoying these but, since English is not my native language, I forget as soon as I read them. That is sad actually.

I enjoyed The Harvard Business Review in May 2016, I can find interesting article every time I buy this magazine. I think I have a desire to be productive as a professional, even though I am a physicist, I like to learn from them about how they think about goal, achievement, managing, behavior, talent, professional, or so. I usually find one or two articles interesting.  This time I quite enjoy reading on “increasing your return on failure” and “HP’s CEO Meg Whitman”. We can’t avoid failing unless you challenge. To succeed fast we need to fail fast, that I am thinking. And I am thinking about risk a lot because of my experience huge earthquake hit in Japan 2011. I have digested the meaning of risk. And I understood a lot of people don’t understand risk because they have just never experienced the failure beyond manageable. I don’t trust people who are saying I can manage the risk. But that is another story, on this article is about what can we get most when we fail. I think I learned a lot. For the “HP’s CEO Meg Whitman”, I quite enjoyed reading how HP’s CEO (who happens to be a female she says) thinks about gender problem and senses of urgency.

For the reason I am reading Nikkei Asian Review is because I am looking carefully at ASEAN countries.  Japan and ASEAN countries should have close it is very important how these countries grow in next decade. I don’t know how China and Australia (because one third of Australia’s trade is with China) end up in this area, ASEAN countries are key to diversity and prosperity for Asia. Since I am a Japanese, I care about Japan. I need to invest more energy and money in this area from Japanese prospect.

I like to read the Economist. Sometime I envy English speaking countries because the magazine can survive because the number of subscribers of magazines are huge. I like the Economist because it has well balanced articles talking about all over the world. Some says you need to keep reading the Economist for 10 years to know world better. I understand now because  because sometime I am unaware of some countries I don’t physically communicate but the Economist makes me curious about it every week so I can look it up. By keeping doing this I think I will be able to have a good understanding what the world is like.

These magazine are good source of books to read next, I read a lot but I want read a lot more. I could pick up several books to read. I will be writing more about this issues and magazines but I am not expert so I think I am writing for myself not to forget what I have read.


A kind of cycle a good scientist has

I was bit off from writing, now I came back to WordPress. I think WordPress is doing very good job. I can easily write the blog here. I can’t improve my quality of writing though, I think this time I am going to write more.

I am doing experiment at NIST with collaboration with American and Canadian  group. We just started our experiment on Thursday though, I was very impressed the instrument here and our collaborators.

For the instrument, we are using an improved triple axis spectrometer which uses multiple analyzers and a lot of detectors. This instrument is obviously one generation ahead of us. The reactor at NIST is not strong as neutron source with 20 MW like OPAL reactor (also 20 MW) but they know neutron scattering experiment very well. They designed very productive instrument.

We are also working with top group from Canada. They have big school there. The way of being productive in Science is what I have learned recently. A lot of people want to catch up with them, and people think are already close but that is not true. My field, in several months, the situation changes a lot, if you are late for 6 months, your competitors finish their work and most likely to be thinking for the next. So, basically you can’t catch up forever as long as you are doing the same things.

Normally, if they are good scientists, they would improve their ideas for the next with a kind of cycle, business people might say PDCA cycle. Experiment scientists do the cycle (Idea -> Plan -> making sample -> building instrument if  we need -> building sample environment if we need -> doing experiment -> analysis -> comparison with theory -> to submit paper -> to argue paper with referee -> to publish a paper). A excellent scientist makes that a habit. Their cycles are faster, exciting, and comfortable pace for their own. But, once you lose or slow this cycle it is hard to come back. That is what I am afraid of. I need to keep pace exciting enough to be competitive because, as long as you are a rational scientist, you can only improve one parameter at each cycle, then you lose chance to contribute because someone would do that first. Untalented scientists are trapped wrong cycle and they don’t know what they are doing. (I have been seeing a lot)

I have three projects of my own, the first one is multiferroic, second one is superconductivity and magnetism, and third one is magnetism. For the first project, I am far behind since I came in this project later but it has still a lot of things to learn form literature last 10 years. That is still O.K. I am thinking I am learning for the next.  The second project is about superconductivity and magnetism, I am very competitive situation. The third project on magnetism, I think I am ahead of people but so I would like to keep this position and lead this subject. I will write these projects in here to understand better. These are very important in physics I believe for both last 100 years and next 100 years.

Since the experiment here was successful and stable now, we went to Washington D.C. I have been there several times but I still like to see massive buildings. Sumithsonian National Air and Space Museum is a must for sure. And I will keep writing tonight.


I just got approved and scheduled the travel to France, Institute Laue-Langvin (ILL) for the next experiment. I just remember I wrote this but I didn’t published last December. Since we are in serious competition, so I need to publish our data as soon as possible and I would like to step further this time of experiment. I will write that here later. The following is thoughts from last December.

I have gone to Grenoble, France during 12/1 – 12/14 to perform experiment on Institute of Laue-Langvin (ILL). ILL is the best research reactor in the world. People here work very briskly and hard. I had enjoyed so much to do experiment there. And I believe I learned a lot.

 I can’t say about the project exactly though, I am working on newly found superconductor published 2015 March. The superconductivity appears only low temperature and high pressure phase. Superconductivity and Magnetism have profound relation people have never understood. I believe this material would be one of the most important materials to reveal the relations. While I was thinking, scientist is not ready to answer the relation on this material because no one has ever done direct observation of magnetic structure under pressure and low temperature. The bottle neck for scientist is to observe the phase experimentally. Neutron scattering experiment is powerful tool to study this kind of physics however neutron scattering experiment with high pressure cell is very difficult.

 The successful rate of this kind of experiment is less than 1/3 or so, we have done amazingly well this time. I am very thankful for instrument scientists and technicians there.  There are several reasons why the experiment is difficult. One biggest reason is that it is hard to control pressure on the material, we all risk of problem extremely high while we are using research reactor so the beam time is limited. And the sample space which can be apply high pressure limited so, we need to prepare very small sample with highly well aligned. The next thing is applying pressure with Paris Edingburg cell is insitu experiment. We can increase pressure during experiment however we can’t release the pressure so once we passed the phase we wanted, basically we are not able to come back the same experiment condition. So, I had to make decision very carefully at every phase to move on next.   

Also, 10 days of experiment without rest is very hard, I had tried every idea I could have come up with has failed. Anyway, I had tried what I could do, so I don’t.

The next proposal call for ILL is next February, I will probably write some to revenge this experiment. I would have to do preparation better for next time but I think I can because I have experience now.   

I have 5 hour’s off on Sunday in Grenoble. It was good time to walking around. I went to Park Victor Hugo, since I just finished rereading Les Misérables. I was excited. The park was decorated for Christmas and there is a market there. I bought souvenir for my family and friends. And also I went there with Gondra and the scenery from there was spectacular.

I am coming back to Sydney. I will finish quick manuscript on this experiment because I would love to publish the data as soon as I can. I have several things I have to finish Sydney. I will stay in Sydney for one week and then I will be on vacation in Japan for two weeks. I am very excited.

I will write here after 6 months from there how the situation has been changed and what we are doing now.