How could we master English from around 30’s? – 2. Start of your own blog.

Writing blog is best start learning foreign language. Especially for Japanese, who is not good at expressing your opinion well.

When I was hanging out American girl, she said “you are mysterious, you don’t talk about yourself, please tell me” but honestly speaking, I didn’t have much to say. I thought something like “I am an experimental physicist, but not that smart that’s why I am experimentalist. Umm, I went to ordinary school, from ordinary family, I play a guitar but I am not that good at playing. Ordinary, ordinary, I don’t feel anything special.” Some people say I am able to try hard so much for things I am into more than anyone else, but for me, it was not so difficult.  I felt sound like that I am nothing.

I think this is because many Japanese men were taught you are cool when you are calm. That is not universality true. But, you have to have some sort of ideas to talk to people. By writing your blog, you will have a chance to practice and prepare what you want to express before you actually talk to native speaker.

Once you start writing, you would realize that writing is hard, but you don’t need to take seriously.  The primary purpose of the blog is not for been read, but just for you. But, by been published on the web, you are responsible for what you wrote on the blog. Even you write in your own native language, your writing sometime make people misunderstood you, believe me, that happened to me when I was writing the blog even in Japanese. Even though, you can learn a lot from it in the long term.

You would say what you should write. Let me give you some suggestion to write,

  • Book review

You can review what you read, by doing this you can get vocabularies and sentences to use from the book in the future. You might be able to talk about that book to know friends who are also interested in reading.

  • Diary

This is very important because you need to express what you experience in daily life. You would be able to know vocabulary what you are usually using. And you can record what you did today? And you may be able to talk about it when you are asked. Also you can have ideas what to ask native speakers about life.

  • About your country and culture.

When someone knows you are born and raised the other country. You would be asked the culture and country. And also you are responsible for that. But that is good chance talk to your culture and country, why not preparing for it.

  • About your experience

So, what happened to you today? Can you explain to me? Can you describe what you saw? You can describe the today. It would be better you could talk about it with joking or in funny way.

These are good examples when you don’t have any idea to write. You can choose any topic to write. On the TOEFL test, you are expected to 300 words within 30 min. You can also try this restriction to make it harder.

The hint of keeping writing blogs is same with writing diary. If you are tired, but you need to still keep writing, at least one sentence. You don’t need to write serious post, but at least, you need to find how you can make writing your blog habits in your life. Let’s try to write blog from today.

The trip on Chicago 7/1-7/5

I left Charlottesville (CHO airport), transit Charlotte (CLT airport) and land on Chicago (ORD airport) at July. 1. Since I had no plan here, I wasted one day at hotel Hilton. The Hilton at O’hare airport was excellent, if you do just transit, it would be great to stay there. Because the hotel is very close to airport, only you need to 2-3 mins walk. You should have your luggage, so this is huge advantage. So, the first day, I just tried transportation to know how to move around Chicago. My journey actually began on 2nd day.

On the second day, I went to the museum of contemporary arts in Chicago. I love to go to Museum of arts. The contemporary arts tell me how it is difficult to be creative. I can see the struggling of artist on the arts. Sometimes, it looks foolish, and many times, the artist would have failed to be creative. Especially in 21th century, this creativeness would be more important. It is because any duplicable works will be done by machine and computer.

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And Navy pear, I loved this place. Although just that day was week day, I found many people on the pear but not so many, it was very comfortable. The pear was warm, peaceful, sunny, and a full of green and blue color. I spent 2 or 3 hours for napping and reading. It was good time.

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On the third day, I went to Chicago history museum. Actually, on that day was July 4th. I was good timing. Building the country is hard work, many people worked hard to build system. Also people have been fought for democracy, civil rights, race, gender, equality of wealth and education. We should not forget. That’s reason why we need to learn and preserve our history not to do them again. And also, good things are people have been building the culture, knowledge, systems to live in peace.  There is always hope for future. And I just walked around the city and happened to stop by Millennium Park, another peaceful day.

1776, July 4th, American declared independence and started the war against British. I believe that whatever the individuals believe, Americans can be back to this point. The point is where the country started.

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So, the final day in Chicago, I went to Sears tower, the tallest building in the world. I enjoyed watching city from it. I could see a lot of large buildings, beautiful seashore, cars in Chicago. That was exciting experience. The price of picture is too expensive though, I bought it. One point I would like make is building city or country is not easy job. It takes a lot of time and a lot of contribution of people and money. And also, the building was built private company that amazed me. A lot of technology and engineering was developed during building.

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So I am writing this. And I am leaving to LA tomorrow early in the morning to stay there for the next week. I am looking forward to it.

How could we master English from around 30’s? – 1. Preface.

I have been writing a lot about this question. So I would like to share my ideas for those who are interested in learning English especially for around 30. Assuming you are just 30, you want to be fluent in speaking English. These are suggestion from me. As you know, learning foreign language, the older you are the harder. But if you are older, you will explain logically how we could learn foreign language.

-Preface –

Japanese have been believed not to be able to be good at speaking English. This is true or not? You have your own answer, don’t you?  For me, it looks every Japanese are struggling to learning English, especially speaking. Someone claims the education system, others claim language structure, others claim because of character of Japanese. (We are shy!!) But, we have to learn English anyway. This is not because you want talk to beautiful blond girls, to impress the other people, but to contribute to the world. I am always keeping in my mind these The Dalai Lama’s words,

“In order to contribute to the world, Japanese must learn English…; It doesn’t have to be perfect English. My English is broken, but I can still communicate.”

Why should we make Dalai Lama say so? Conversely, it means we have a lot of thing we can contribute to the world if you can speak English. I believe so too.  When I talk about English in front of Japanese, I joke always ‘The Japanese race is strongest race in the world, if you could speak English.’

I have been thinking about the blog written by Mr. Mukarakami-san who is FED (Finance, Education, and Design.) in Japan. He had been in London for month. He trained his English well. He wrote 8000 Japanese words of his memoir on his blog. Because he strongly realized that learning Language, the older you get, the harder you master. But you need to know this.

Anticipating future rewards can actually light up the pleasure centers in your brain much as the actual reward will.

Achor, Shawn (2010-09-14). The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work (Kindle Location 746). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

So, I will give you suggestion and strategy for learning English, it doesn’t matter what level you are. Please try some if you are interested. Many people have been working for how can we learn foreign language and here we are 21th century, you have technologies to help you. I will summarize here my strategies. I believe learning English starts from learning pronunciation, Listening, Reading, reading aloud, and end in reading. The ultimate goal in English is reading deeply and fast as much as you possible.

  • Suggestions
  • Which skill do you need to get anyway?
  • Pronunciation
  • Vocabulary
  • Listening
  • Reading aloud and Shadowing
  • Reading
  • About writing.

Firstly, I am going to write these topics. And then I would add if I or you needed. If you have questions, please feel free to leave comments. I would be happy to answer questions. I will be able to learn more from questions by answering.

The historical figures: Dr. Gen Shirane

I would like to introduce the historical figure in Physics. After Europe and U.S.A., Japan has originated a number of brilliant physicists as well, such as, Shinichiro Tomonaga, Hideki Yukawa, Yoichiro Nanbu, including 6 of Novel prize winners in Physics. Among these physicists, I would like to bring up an experimental physicist who had contributed to neutron scattering experiment techniques for more than 50 years. He is special to me.

He packed the first snowball in neutron scattering (nearly = diffraction, for the simplicity) in Japan.

We physicists have three quantum beams to study materials, which are neutron, X-ray, and electron. Since those three are diffracted by crystal, the techniques are sometimes similar. Nevertheless, knowledge and techniques have been accumulating independently in those fields. I personally think, the technique in neutron diffraction is most mature, X-ray diffraction is now hottest and expanding, and Electron diffraction is expanding and most promising. Among them, I am a professional for this neutron scattering.

His name is Dr. Gen Shirane. He was born in Kobe, Japan, graduated from the Univ. of Tokyo. After his graduation, he came to the U.S., and worked for Brookhaven national laboratory. Dr. Shirane has been recognized as one of the most energetic and keen experimental physicists in condensed matter physics. Throughout his career, he published more than 700 scientific papers, and the qualities of those papers are quite high. His works opened many new fields in condensed matter and neutron scattering experiments.

In addition to his scientific carrier, he was a good educator. He trained many physicists, especially Japanese physicist. My boss who is professor at the University of Virginia described him as “Japanese Mafia.” Japanese young physicists often came to the U.S., worked for him. They learned a lot of neutron experimental techniques from him. Once these physicists became good experimental physicists, went back to Japan, and started their own laboratories in major universities. I am a third generation of his follower of Dr. Shirane. I have never met him, because he died in 2005, the year I just graduated university. However, I always keep in my mind his enormous passion and enthusiasm for science.

After this vacation, I am planning to read his selected publication list which listed more than 30 papers with more than 100 cited. This is remarkable figures. I think I need 1 month to finish this. I tried once though, this time I would like to understand deeper than last time.

I am packing the snowball; I am going to pack the snowball in Australia. This makes me happy. I am going to work for ANSTO OPAL research reactor which started 2008, so the snowball neutron scattering start packing just now in Australia. How much bigger it would become depend on our contribution to Australian neutron scattering. And also Japan leaded to establish the AOCNA (Asis-Oceania neutron scattering association), whose first conference was held at Tsukuba Japan 2011. The snowball of neutron scattering in Asia is growing. I don’t have any intention to stop rolling down this hill with.

Life is like a snow ball

When I was Ph.D student, I was reading with group who are very interested in economics. We read ‘The snow ball’ by Alice Schroeder that is biography of Mr. Warren Buffet. It is actually huge book. I made a presentation about this book, so I thought I learned a lot about this book. But the truth was not. I thought “The snowball” means merely “compound interest” because we are reading the book about the investor. I did not understand what really means before I came to the U.S.

I went to ACNS (American conference on neutron scattering) at Knoxville, Tennessee this June. At the conference, the mayor of Knoxville commented on the conference started with her joke “What is the neutron scattering anyway? You are studying small things with using small things. Is that close enough?” Yes, we were a group of nerds.

American neutron scattering association chose the student award for 2014. The student (She already graduated at that time) made a presentation. I enjoyed the presentation, she was very smart. I realized that I have to face with her in the future. Oh, come on! She is not only attractive, but also she is very brilliant with great career. I didn’t think I could beat her even though I use all of my talent for physics for now.

During the presentation, she thanked a lot for her mentor collaborators. They are so strong. So, I understood what the snowball means. Talents, social support, money, knowledge, and wisdom of all have been accumulating all the time!! The science in America is accumulating like a snowball.

The snowball of Science started Europe (as for physics, it might be trinity college) and American started packed little later than Europe. Japan started little later than America. (Like one generation later than the U.S.). China has just started their snowball. But, believe me. The difference of just one generation is huge.

  • The difference between Univ. of Tokyo and Harvard University

Have you ever known about PISA by OECD?

It assessed the competencies of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematics and science (with a focus on mathematics) in 65 countries and economies.

You can find report :

In this report for Japan,

Among OECD countries, Japan is at 2009-20012 ranked second in mathematics performance and first in both reading and science.

This report is for the U.S.,

Among the 34 OECD countries, the United States performed below average in mathematics in 2012 and is ranked 27th (this is the best estimate, although the rank could be between 23 and 29 due to sampling and measurement error). Performance in reading and science are both close to the OECD average. The United States ranks 17 in reading, (range of ranks: 14 to 20) and 20 in science (range of ranks: 17 to 25).

So, the young people who are 15 years old should be doing much better than U.S. So that, my question is why the competitiveness of research and universities of the U.S. are much stronger than those of Japan? That was my question.

Of course, one reason might be English, because research papers have been published by English, and people are saying “publish or perish” based on the paper publication. Japanese have to spend a lot of time just learning English, but learning language especially professional level is not easy. Or education system, the number of student, or international student and scholar?  I thought none of them.

However, I realized that the two biggest differences,

First one is foundation for the education system, Harvard has the foundation accumulated to $ 35 billion at 2007 academic year (around 3.5 Japanese trillion yen), and the endowment for each year is $ 0.8 billion (80 billion Japanese yen). To compare, that of Univ. of Tokyo is merely $ 0.026 billion at 2013, but growing rapidly.

The second one is alumni. Since, so many alumni, so I would like to compare with drop outers. The most  famous drop outer around my age from Harvard are Bill Gate and Mark Zuckerberg. From Univ. of Tokyo, as far as I know, it might be Horie Takafumi (Horiemon). But, I believe that the influence to the world totally negligible if I compare with Bill Gate and Mark Zuckerberg. I personally respect a lot Horiemon though.

Both two the foundation and generation are accumulating.

We need to pack the snow ball as earlier as possible. As Mr. Buffet said, even for him, if he stared 10 years later, he would stand totally different place on the hill.  So, I started making donation regularly to Univ. of Tokyo, hoping for Univ. of Tokyo becoming one of the best Universities in the world. And I am waiting the appearance of genius who change world.

Thank you for U.S.A

I am never able to say enough “thank you very much” for American people and country. I have totally enjoyed staying here for 2 years and 3 months. I learned a lot from America. I have a lot of things to write, since I will be on a vacation for two weeks, I will write here one by one.

I got a Ph.D in physics in Japan, and had worked for Univ. of Virginia for 2 years as a postdoc.  Since, I could survive two world leading physics communities, I am now totally confident with working as a physicist.  So I could have two eyes which make me see things in three dimensions. It is time to contribute physics. As a professional physicist, the cultural difference between U.S. and Japan was interesting. Also, I had worked for the University; I could also observe the part of education system in the U.S. That was also interesting. I will write them later. I also was able to write several papers and have strong collaborators here. We will keep in touch and we will keep innovate science.

Since I came here when I was 29 years old, one of the hardest parts of living here was language. But, many people have been patient for me. I want to say thank you. I need to improve my English still. Now, I am thinking that I have some hope for the future. My final goal is to read any book I want and to write creatively whatever I want.

Since I am a scientist, I am not good at thinking politics and economy, but still, I learned a lot about the democracy, capitalism and liberalism from America. And I could contemplate Japan’s future system we should develop.  To be honest, I am not sure these systems are the best for human beings, but I am sure that these are the best for now. Sometimes, I feel like American are also struggling with this system to make things right, but I believe if new system comes up somewhere in the world, that would be from the U.S.

I was able to finish running two half marathon and 1 marathon here. Thank you for those who have trained with me. Running marathon is still hard for me, but I will keep running. Running in Charlottesville was great experience. There are many gorgeous places to run. I have never gotten bored running in Charlottesville. My finish time at Marathon? Please, don’t ask me.

I was happy to come here. My favorite musician sings something like “Everything is from U.S.A.’ I listened a lot when I was a college student. Yes, the influence of American culture is strong in Japan so that I have enjoyed them here as well. I like American culture even more now.

I am going to Australia for the next job. Should I get one more eye? Yes, I will. If you have chance to come to Japan or Australia, please let me know. I would love to see you again. And I will definitely come to the U.S. for conferences, experiments, and something for fun. I am looking forward to seeing you again!!

Bye! Shinichiro Yano.

The trip to NYC (2014.5.23 -26)

During May 23-26, I went to NYC. Since I am leaving this country soon, I wanted to visit several spots. I am sure that I will come to the U.S. sometimes for conferences and experiments in the future, however it would not be easy in the future. Let me share some of pictures I visited this time at NY area. Actually, I was driving to NYC from Charlottesville VA, and tried to stay Baltimore at Friday night. But, the hotel at Baltimore apparently looks dangerous. I felt scary. So, I canceled the hotel and headed to NYC directly. I asked my friend to let me stay my friend’s room. Other than that, the trip was good.

  1. Times square

2014-05-24 10.49.35Everyone knows. Do you need explanation? Every time I come to NYC, I come to here. One of most famous place in the world, I will miss this place.

  1. Princeton University

2014-05-25 11.46.00

The Princeton University was located at small town Princeton. Only I know about this University was Einstein and John Nash used to be here. Campus was so beautiful, and protected for only for studying. One of the greatest strength of U.S. is the education at top Universities. I don’t actually have conclusion yet, the education system under university, I mean, the elementary to high school, I don’t think American are doing well. However, the education in University is good. Why? I have sort of answers, but that is homework for the future blog. But, one thing realized was top Universities are mostly private school, such as Ivy League, which is very interesting compare with Japan. I believe that the Foundations for university is quite strong, I realized that Japanese needs strong foundations to expand education for universities. So, I started donating to Universities in Japan.

3. World trade center.

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This building is the new world trade center. I stayed the hotel around this tower. After 9/11, finally this new building came back. I have complex feeling about this American history. I do not say much here though, at least I can say here is I could feel the pride of American here. American showed that they have willingness to sacrifice for the liberalism in the world. During this trip, I found several Japanese books and finished reading. These books are about right of collective self-defense. I would like to write something here in near future.

4. Jazz bar – Smalls –

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Since I didn’t use flash for taking picture, you might not see well. But, I would like to show. We went to Jazz bar so called Smalls. This night was actually special. We could listen to the music Johnny O’Neal!!!! He is legend and unfortunately he is AIDs now, you might not be able to listen his play anymore in the near future.  New York is the best place to listen and play Jazz with high quality and low price. The show was only $ 20. Can you believe?

And, I don’t have picture here, I went to Saint Marry’s church to pray. One thing you could see in NYC is future of capitalism. As you know, while New York Stock Market get record high, there are still so many homeless in NYC. Even in the U.S., here is the richest country in the world. It seems capitalism is not going to go right way. We have to take some action. As Japanese, I have to stop Japan following this direction.

In short, this trip was fantastic. I thought a lot. I also could meet friends of mine to catch up each other. Thank you very much.

Mere making a decision.

For the most of writer, who is not professional, the hardest part of writing is getting start. Does anyone disagree with this? I had the last lecture yesterday from my writing tutor who I personally hired. I have been taught how to write in English. Even though I am living in the U.S., it is hard to find good writing tutor because writing is not easy, even for journalists, the best seller authors. And teachers need to understand fully their own language and have variety of choice to express the ideas. Native speaker usually does not, because speaking native language is not skill which is acquired intentionally. How much grammatical knowledge do you have about your mother tongue?

As I told here before, a good teacher can do 2 things

  1. She can tell you what the student needs to work on now.
  2. She can find the best assignment for student.

So, a good teacher knows what the student level is, and then can give him the appropriate task to get to next level. If teacher asks you easy job all the time, she might not be a good teacher. If teacher gives you hard job you are not able to manage always, she is not a good teacher.

My tutor gives me good materials from variety from web site, articles, text books, and so on. She always keeps me busy. She did not give me easy task, too much time, and cheap flattering.

On the last lecture, we worked on the discussion about women workforce. Since I have been interested in the different between women workforce in the U.S. and Japan, and I am also interested in work life balance, we worked on the article about women workforce from the Economist.

My point is that Japan needs the new type of leader like Tomoko Namba, who is CEO of DeNA. The women can change the way of working, even the thought about working and productivity. She is very hardworking lady and also never gives up family.

This paragraph is the work from last lecture.

『The problem is that the culture of Japanese companies has not changed especially for women workers. One of hint of solution we have is the experience of Tomoko Namba who is the CEO of DeNA. She previously worked at McKinsey, which means DeNA has very hard working culture. However, Tomoko Namba changed after she had her son. She is still hard working, but she has a different point of view about the work life balance. And then, Tomoko Namba changed the culture in DeNA. DeNA became more flexible for women workers. I believe these kinds of success stories need to happen more in Japan. DeNA can be the model for better work place conditions in Japan.』

The reference

1.Holding back half the nation

This week, I was thinking about making a decision because I AM MAKING. Making a decision is not only to choose something, but also to throw some possibility or change away simultaneously. That’s why making decision is hard. People are easy to forget, we can only live the life only one time as far as that is our experience. If you choose one from both two look equally good option, we still see difficulty to make a decision. We know both are fairly good, both make you happy, and then, why are we afraid chose one? It is because our brain focuses on what we might lose.

I am not afraid anymore because God would lead me to the best way, and I have never chosen wrong path so far thanks to him. Let’s finish the work I have in the U.S. before I leave.

It’s time to read.

Since I have moved new place, I finally find time to read. For me, it is very important to read something. I like to read. I read books in English which is my foreign language, but I love to read in English now. But sometimes, especially for literature, reading in English is hard for me. When I feel so, I go back to read the book I have read already.

I listening to the classic book called “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. I have learned a lot of things from this. The difference between flattering and praise, not to criticize people, the power of smile, listening to people’s stories. Actually, this blog is not good. How many times have I used “I”? a lot. That means I strongly need to be approved by people. Many people feel same. Why not listening to their story, instead of talking about myself?

Also, I started reading “1Q84” by Haruki Murakami. I am big fun of him, but I kept reading same 5 books again and again. It is time to read new from him. I like the way of his writing. Even I am reading them in English, I can feel the atmosphere he made by his writing style.

I bought books or added books wishlist for the next. I am looking forward to reading them. And, the weather is very nice here, it is time to waste by reading.

This week is going well. The one biggest task in this week is to finish papers. Making the final draft is kind of hard and boring job. I have to correct a tons of small mistakes, check the references, change figures. Actually, making figures take forever!! But, anyway, it seems I could send the draft to coauthors by the end of this week. I spend 2 years to analyze. This wasn’t easy job. I am using the analysis method so called Pair distribution function analysis. This analysis method is developed for the study of amorphous or glass. For the amorphous and glass, there is no long range order like crystal, but there are distributions of the pair of atoms in that state. Our study is trying to apply this analysis method to the crystal. But, unfortunately, sometimes it is hard to find the clear evidences to claim new physics.

The other biggest task was Skype presentation for China. I have talked about my achievement so far and my strategy for 5 years. One thing, I strongly suggested them was building strong X-ray suite at the University. As far as I know, I have not seen that strong X-ray suite in China. I planned the X-ray suite in 5 years. After 5 years, maybe situation will be totally different now, but at that time, I will also finish building. I think our group will become very competitive.

These pictures are old place and new place,

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So,As I wrote here, I moved out old place. I have been living by myself for 12 years, I have always more than two rooms. I hate it because I have to clean two rooms. I usually spend cleaning up Saturday morning. Two rooms are too many to take care of. 2014-03-30 18.43.47New rooms is much smaller than ever I have lived, but I like it a lot.

Have a nice week everyone!!


Spring came!!

I have been out this blogging. I am so sorry. I have to catch up my solution for 2014. I have been spending hard time. I need to make several big decision lately, which make me very nervous. I could not focus on what I really have to do now. Still, I am a bit nervous though, my mind became much clearer. By the way, I will be in Charlotesville at least until end of May. If you are available, please tell me to get together!!

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One thing I want to thank past me is “You started playing music instrument”, one thing I want to thank current me is “You keep playing the guitar” and one thing I want to ask future me is “Do not stop playing even you cannot be a good player!!” This picture was taken with my teacher in Charlottesville. He is, like as many musicians, Barkeley educated and experienced musician. We had an session every Tuesday night. That was wonderful experience for me. He explained a lot of theory and tunes, and played with me. He always encouraged me to play by saying “Good playing, Shinichiro” I will miss him a lot. I learned a lot about American music and Jazz music.

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I went to American Physical society meeting on March 3-8 at Denver, CO. I made a presentation about recent my study. I was nervous enough to finish presentation much earlier than everyone expected. I am always advised not to speak fast in the presentation. As you could know, I failed. Since I had free time during the American physical society meeting, I and my colleague went to Evans mountains. The scenery was fabulous, I regret that I didn’t have good camera to take this great place. I decided to buy good camera soon.

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Spring came in Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A as well. Best season in year. One thing I like a lot in living at Virginia is the length of day. Even I finish working around 5 p.m., I can enjoy a cup of wine with dinner with full of sunlight. I like to have beer and wine after 5, please tell me if you can join me after work.

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I have been watching TV program called ”Numbers” which is action, suspense or detective story. The mathematician helps FBI to investigate unsolved case by using Mathematics. To be honest, I doubted that the application of mathematics doesn’t help investigation crime so much. But, this mathematician made a lot of good points. I realized that how Mathematics, Statistics, and Science could help to make the things clear. And I am exited to watch the mathematician’s enthusiasm to pursue the truth. Am I working on Physics with strong intuition and enthusiasm like him??

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I got a new computer. I am pretty excited. I bought thinkpad X1 carbon with core-i7, 8 G-byte memory, and 256 SSD. I spent $2100, but this is investment for my future me for several years. Let’s find out next bottom neck!! Did you say “It is you”??

I have heard from several friends. I would like to reply them with long email. Be happy with Spring, everyone!! Shinichiro Yano.