Book review No.14 The art of thinking clearly.

People think and act irrationally, even they believe they are rational. Cognitive science has been proving this lately. So only we can do is knowing how we are irrational, that help us to think and act less irrationally.

The author of this book is not scientist but journalist. He gives us practical 99 examples with short stories.

1. Overestimate your chance to succeeding.

In daily life, because triumph is made more visible than failure, you systematically overestimate your chance of succeeding. (P.1)

2. The circumstance of yours.

Harvard has the reputation of being a top university. Many highly successful people have studied there. Does this mean that Harvard is a good school? We do not know. (P.5)

3.  We are not rational.

If fifty million people say something foolish, it is still foolish. (P.12)

4. That had already done.

The film was dire. After an hour, I whispered to my wife; “Come on, let’s go home.” She replied; “No way, we are not throwing away thirty dollars.”

We have spent the thirty dollars regardless of whether we stay or leave, so this factor should not play a role in our decision. (P.13)

5. absolute value.

The contrast effect. Experiment shows that people are willing to walk an extra ten minutes to save $10 on food. But those same people would not dream of walking ten minutes to save $10 on a $1000 suit. An irrational move because ten minutes is ten minutes, and $10 is $10. Logically, you should walk back in both cases or not at all. (P.29)

6, Attractive people.

Why attractive people climb the career ladder more quickly. – Halo effect. (P.113)

7. Delay rewards.

The older we get and the more self-control we build up, the more easily we can delay rewards. (P.154)

8. Procrastination.

So get over yourself. Procrastination is irrational but human. To fight is, use a combined approach. (P.256)

9. Envy.

Envy is the most stupid of vices, for there is no single advantage to be gained from it. (P.258)

10. Jealousy.

The subject of envy is a thing (status, money, health and so on.) The subject of jealousy is the behavior of third person. Envy needs two people. Jealousy, on the other hand, required three. (P.258)

11. Talent and hard work.

Little is achieved without talent, and nothing is achieved without hard work. When a person is successful for a long run compared to less qualified people – then and only then is talent the essential element. (P.282)

These are sentences I though helpful for me. If you are interested in some, I would suggest you try this book.

Book review 13. Practice perfect.

“Practice”, When we learn something, we need practices. Practice is everywhere, anytime. But, we are sometimes chased by practicing. The purpose of practice is to get the things done well. Practice itself is not purpose. So, do we practice efficiently for our goal? Sometimes, we forget to ask this question.

This book is about practice. Recently I was interested in what talent is. Some books say that people who has talent practice deeply, compared to the novice. That is the key. So that, what is practice? That was my question. I started reading this book.

What I learned from this book are following.

1. Focusing.

When we do practice, what kind of practice do you plan? This book says that we need to recognize what we are doing to practice deeply. Namely, we need to know the purpose of practice. Even though, we practice the same thing we did yesterday, what is this practice for this time? Focus on what you are practicing.

When I was young, I used to try to do complex practice. I did not focus on basic skill, but practical skill. Because I thought that was efficient. That was wrong. We need to simplify the practice, and focus on what the component of performance we are practicing.

2. Teacher or Coach.

Because I like teach myself, I usually do not ask teacher to help me. I realized I was terribly wrong. But, as you know, good teacher gives us good critique, feedback and comment. Basically, the role of teacher is something like this,

(1) What to do.

Good teacher knows what the problem student is facing. Good teacher could give you appropriate level and amount of tasks.

(2) When to do.

Good teacher knows what the practice student needs for now. Good teacher could give you appropriate skill of tasks.

So, why don’t we practice with teacher?

3. The audience.

Does the audience disturb you? Yes, sometimes. But, the practice in front of the audience is beneficial to you. (Of course, the audience may be your teacher. ) The quality of practice dramatically could increase by them. Some musician says that he always practice in front of the audience, because that purpose of practice is “The performance for the audiences”

This is not summary of this book. The book tells you 42 rule of practice. That is surely helpful. So, let’s read it and apply it for your daily practice. I hope these rules would help you reach your best performances. Good luck.

Shoveling snow.

”Shoveling snow.” A Japanese fiction writer called ”Haruki Murakami” describes  the work using this word. My understanding of this words is something like, we have to work, but working is like shoveling snow. Everyone needs to do that but that does not mean easy. Of courser hard. However, do not take seriously so much, but why not, let’s do work.

Yes, Friday is gone, weekend coming. This week pasted so fast. I did work like shoveling snow. I have been thinking these things in this week.

1. Paper

I have been working on countering argument of the paper I submitted. So I read a lot of paper carefully. By doing this, I could find something to do next. I have to admit, I need to do science more. I know only few things. Because I am working for Univ. of Virginia, work needs time to spend for achievement. That is fun, But I believe sometimes I have to learn for the future work.

2. Guitar

I am practicing the guitar. I hired someone who can teach me how to play. I have been playing a guitar for 12 years but I always taught myself. From teacher I could learn a lot of things. For the first lecture, he mainly focus on the music theory.

Music theory is interesting. Actually, like a language, the earlier you start, the better though, still it is fun.  However, this is like the vocabulary for writing. Most important thing not to memorize the theory, but actually how you play. I need to learn so many, but I will do that. I would like to be a good player.

3. Teacher

Why did I hire the teacher? Because I would like to raise the qualities of practice. Basically teachers do these 2 things.

(1) Telling the student what to practice.

(2) Telling  the student when he needs that practice.

For practicing something, it is important to focus on what are you practicing. These 2 things can help you practicing intentionally. It is difficult if you teach by yourself about these 2 things.

To raise the quality of practice or performance, playing in front of people is also important.

4. Writing.

I have been watching DVD course about writing. That course is very useful. Each lecture is 30 mins, teaches us something.  Today, in the course, teacher says ”respect audience”. I would love to do that. But I am sorry, I need time to be better writer enough to respect audience.

Thank you for reading this. Have a good weekend.

Countering the argument.

We submitted our paper for Physical review letter, this April. 2 referees commented on the paper, and having seen that comment editor decided not to publish our paper. Basically, this is not good news but this is normal. The more paper I wrote, the more our papers would be rejected. That is O.K. Let’s move on resubmit and the other studies.

As for this paper, we are going to resubmit. The given comments are strict but very helpful, so that I read carefully these comments and I read papers which are related to our paper. I actually, disagree with their comments. So, yes, we are going to counter their argument. I have been thinking and writing about it. That is fun. But, you know, this is also hard. I am a postdoc, I want to publish papers as many and soon as possible.

The study of this field has long history. So that, there are so many calculation and experiments have been made. I have been studied this system for 1 year, still I am not sure I am familiar with this study. But this time, by writing paper and countering argument. I am getting familiar with. This reminds me the process of publishing paper is very very important to my career. Of course, publishing paper is achievement though, also the chance to learn and understand physics.

The science has been made by humans. The humans make mistake. So that this review process is important. Someone gets results and writes the paper, that paper is reviewed by the other scientist. If they approve the paper deserve to publication, that paper comes out. We can share the knowledge. That is how science works.

I would like to increase the chance to write the papers and If I had the chance, I would like to  do referee. I need these experience a lot more. I have to learn how these work, but I am already 30 years old, time is limited. Let’s write paper more, counter argument (sometimes, we don’t need), and do referee. Let’s move on.

Book review 12. Time Keeper.

This is the story about the meaning of time. Honestly, I do not think that this is worth reading and paying. The story is cheap but the book is expensive. But this book is good chance to think about the meaning of our time. Do you need more minutes, hours, days, time? I do. Why is our life time limited? I have not thought deeply this topic. I am physicist though!! If you could live unlimited, what would happen?

Dor is the man who has unlimited time because of the punishment by God.

There is the girl who is about to give up on life. There is the rich business man who wants to live forever.

Dor has to save them, to save himself. Dor has to teach the meaning of time.

As for me, I can summarize this books those two paragraph.

“Remember this always: there is a reason God limits man’s days.” “What is the reason?” “Finish your journey, and you will know.” (P 80)

”There is a reason God limits our days,” ”Why?” ”To make each one precious”. (P206)

I got some good quotes from this books. Those are,

“Man rarely knows his own power”

“Length of your days does not belong to you. You will learn that as well”

“Time. It seemed to be running too fast for everyone but him”

“Can you imagine having endless time to learn?”

“Never too late, too soon.”

Book review 11. How to write a lot.

This book describes writing. Unlike an usual writing book, this book describe how to write a lot. The point is not writing well, but a lot. All students and professor need to write, and many struggle to write journal article, book, and grant proposal. If you can write always more than you are needed, it is O.K. If you find the difficulty to write sometimes, you can pick up the idea from this book. This is not exactly review of this book, I will summarize writing techniques which are what I learned from this book and my experience.

1. Write regularly.

This is important. Writing is hard, so every time, we have excuse to run away. But to write productively, we need to write regularly. The “regular” depends on the study or subject. As for physics, we need to get the result to write a paper, sometimes we can not write the paper. But I strongly agree that we need to write regularly. Only I can do is do experiment and analysis a lot, and try to the results regularly. Let’s do it!!

2. Watch your enthusiasm.

Like reading books, you are most excited to write the next, when we finish the manuscript. So, why don’t we start the next, right after when we finish the manuscript.

3. Count number of words you write.

Steven King said “Start from 1000 words a day.” This is for fiction writers, but we can use the same idea. The physics paper, especially for letters, is not so long, compared to psychology, economics. However, if we know, how many words we can write daily. That makes you easy to plan.

4. Posses the topics what you really want to write.

As for physics, when we could get clear and strong evidences, we can write easily. Because we know clearly what we are going to write. If we posses what really want to write, we can write.

5. Learn how to manege.

If we write a lot or longer. We need to manage schedule. When is due, how long we need to write or want. Practice to finish the manuscript by deadline. We have different strategy, for 100 words, 500 words, 2000 words, 10000 words, and so on. You need to have strategy for each.

6. Writing is hard.

Among the language skill, like listening, speaking, writing, and reading, I believe that writing is the hardest. That is why I practice writing. When I drunk, I can listen, speak and reading, but I can not write. Just I want to remind “writing is hard”. That’s why we need to keep writing.

So, why not practice?

I have spent a good weekend. I could use time for myself. Thanks to this, I could have chance to think about something.

1. Writing.

I was thinking of writing. I have been working on writing, by reading books, watching DVD course, and hiring writing tutor. We can always find the hint of improvement. I actually am thinking that I may not be able to write to my heart content, like playing a guitar and music. Anyway, let’s practice. Read a lot, write a lot.

2. Friendship.

The definition of friendship can be different among people. I was told that I am lonely. But I have never felt my loneliness. I have a lot of friends but I do not hang out with them usually. Because I think that is wasting times. Of course, we meet once or twice a year, and sharing achievement we did. But I turned 30. What is purpose of my life?  I know how to invest my time. I can not be friends who I can not respect in some points. I am always thinking like this quote,

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.

Friedrich Nietzsche

3 Practice and Reading

I love reading books, but why do I like reading? Reading is something like “Practice” for living life. I can see myself on the character in the book. For example, this is from Great Gatsby which I reread lately,

Nick says “We can not repeat the past”, Gatsby says ”Why of course we can.’

Can we? I do not think so. If so, what can I learn from this book? Can I accept the fact that I lost the girl? Even Gatsby could not.

4. The difference between Ph.D student and postdoc.

Student studies much slower than us. Because they need to learn a lot, besides studying. That is why they need hard work. I have never looked down them because I was one of them. We are different stage.

This is like marathon. Ph.D course is like running marathon 1st time. Postdoc is like running marathon 2nd or 3rd time. The difference between 1st time and 2nd time is experience of finishing tape. Both are hard but, for the 2nd time, we have strategy and know the goal which is required to achieve.

Students sometimes mistake. That is normal. The point is how he behave after he found the mistakes. That is very important. His integrity is called into question.

Book review 10. On writing.

This books is for every writers. The one of most productive writer in the world “Steven King” talks about writing. I am not writer for living but I have to write the papers, the proposal for experiment, the proposal for grant. So I am strongly interested in how to write a lot and better. I could find useful suggestions from this book. Let me summarize these here.

1. Simplicity.

This is similar with presentation skill. But for writing, we should be careful every sentences. Is there any way to write more simply? Do we need this adverb?  Sometimes, we attempt to write more because we have deadline or quota. However, the simplicity comes first. Clear sentences and clear structure gives us grant or approval for publication? Haha. Do not write redundant sentences.

2. Vocabulary.

I am not a native English speaker, so that I do not have strong vocabulary. However, the truth is “The bread of writing, is vocabulary”. We need to build the vocabulary which can use for better description. However, we should keep in mind.  “It ain’t how much you got, honey, it’s how you use it”.

3. Read a lot, write a lot.

There is no way to be a good writer, “Read a lot, write a lot”. There is no shortcut.  Everyone think we can read. However, that is not true. Great writers are always great readers. So how we read the book is also important for writers.

4. Do not use adverb.

This is useful suggestion. We can usually omit adverb. Sometime, the sentence becomes much stronger when we omit the adverb. So that, we should be careful. Why do we need to use the adverb? Is this really necessary?

5. Take it seriously.

He says, “If you can take it seriously, we can do business. If you can’t or won’t, it’s time for you to close the book and do something else. Wash the car, maybe” He is strict but tells the truth. If we are going to be a writer, we have to take our writing seriously. Do not compromise your writing.

6. Rewrite.

“When you write a story, you are telling yourself the story, when you rewrite, your main job is taking out all the things that are not the story.” We rewrite our writing so many times, to get better description. I believe the process of rewrite is important for better writing. Based on the advice from co-author, referee, editor, rethink your writing again and again. Write a lot, rewrite a lot.

Book review No. 9 Presentationzen.

Making presentation is one of the most important skill. But, like a writing skill, there may be basic rule though, there is no specific goal to achieve. That makes us difficult to build the better presentation skill. This book is the one of suggestion. I could learn a lot. I will summarize what I learned from this book.

1. Simplicity 

Chose only 1 topic, what do you want the audience to understand the most? Chose only 1 topic. What is the message you are going to present? Keep in your mind. Practically, this book suggests you that you had better chose 1 message for each slides.

2. Clarity

If you do not have clear understanding of your topic. Who can understand clearly? Clear understanding of your topic also makes your presentation clear. You should be most familiar with your topic in the room.

3. Draw pictures by your hand.

You are told to make presentation in 1 week. How do you start preparation? Do you open the laptop and Power point, start making slides? This book suggests you to draw the pictures by your hand on notebook first. What kind of figures are you going to use? what is the message of your presentation? What is the story of your presentation? You should try this technique. I actually am not good at drawing, but it is fun and beneficial, I have really enjoyed doing this. Also, this technique can be used for writing.

4. Save the time for the everybody.

I have not noticed before reading this book. On the presentation,  you are using everyone’s time. Take advantage of it. For example, you have 10 mins for your presentation, and 100 audiences. You might think you are using your 10 mins. However, that is of course not true. You are using also audience’s time which is 100*10 mins = 1000 mins. Why don’t you imagine the benefit of this situation? If you use this time effectively, you will get a lot. If you use this time poorly, you will get almost nothing, sometimes even minus. Let’s practice for better presentation for you and your audience.

5. Practice makes perfect only when you practice effectively.

There is no goal to perfect presentation, we have always improvements. Like music, writing, sports. But there are ideas you can try to improve. Why don’t you try 1 idea for each presentation, see what happened? If possible, you can increase the chance to make presentation. Let’s practice effectively, present effectively every time.

It is an old joke. A man hurrying along a New York street asks a passing musician, “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” The man said “Practice man, practice.” 

Let’s do it effectively, I like this old joke though. 

Read a lot, Write a lot.

I have been so busy recently. Also for me, there were several thing happened. I am sorry for not writing this blog lately. I was back. I have tons of topics I would like to write, these are a part of it.

1. I visited NYC

I went to New York city during 4/26 – 4/29. I took 2 paid leaves for staying NY. My friend from Japan happened to come Washington D.C. and NY. I had never been to NY, so I decided to go to there with him. He brought the Japanese sake for me, by the way.

It was so much fun.

On the first day, I drove to Dulles international airport to pick him up, and then drove to NYC I do not hate long distance driving, I really enjoyed driving and talking with my friend. I pick him up at around 12-1 pm and we got there around 6 pm. However, it took 3 hours to enter Manhattan island. Finally we arrived at hotel around 9-10 pm.

2nd day was the busiest day. We went to Times square, museum and theater. And we tried to go to Jazz bar “Blue note” which is my favorite in Tokyo, but show time was too late. So we just hang out some bar.

3rd day, we went to statue of liberty. I could meet Japanese friend who is working at NYC And I could eat Japanese food and buy Japanese books. And we went to empire state building, And we finally went to Jazz bar.

4th day, I just went back to Charlottesville. It took 6 hour to drive back. That is not so bad. I realized how I can go to NY better for next time.

2. Watching student video

I watched videos which was made by student who is studying Japanese in the last class of Japanese for 2nd year of undergraduate student. I have watched 8 of videos. Each video was so great and funny. Some of video succeeded to imitate Japanese culture very well. I was surprised to see.

One of student’s group made video based on my interview. That video’s story is something like this :

The physicist who is working for Univ. of Virginia. Actually he was pretend to work, he was obsessed with looking for alien. One day, it happened to come to the earth. It was looking for someone who can fix his spaceship. They met and became close because they both like Deep purple (which is my favorite), and finally, space craft was fix, and alien left. Kind of sad. This movie  should be parody of  “X-files” (which is my favorite).

I really enjoyed that story.

3. Presentation

I made a presentation. Allocated time for me was 45 min. Recently, I read the book called ‘Presentationzen’, I will write a review though, that book helped me a lot. I am going to summarize the book. Soon.

4 Writing.

I read several book for writing. I will write reviews but, the most impressive books was “On writing” by Steven King. I learned a lot from this book. He said ‘Read a lot, Write a lot’, this phrase push me back to this blog.