Facing the reality

Thursday night. The weekend is coming. The time flies so fast. The paper is getting better but I need more time to make this one good. But I don’t have time either. I don’t know I always want to finish them as soon as possible. Today I should have a new referee orientation in American Physical review starting from 12:00 am midnight. I would say this is not a good time for me. And also I don’t know the details of orientation. Anyways, I will take a look first and then think about I keep going.

I don’t know I don’t feel well tonight. But I should not take it out. Let’s focus on what I can do now.

What did I do today and what can I improve? No. I don’t have much to improve in the short term. I just need to struggle to write a better paper. I can take a look at the details of the paper and try to improve it and read more papers and find something helpful on my paper but I think it takes time to improve. Going these through helps me to improve my writing skill in general. So I should not avoid it. Then I realized today, I somehow avoiding facing my paper because I am afraid I fail. But anyway, I should keep doing this. It is not going to be a big step to improve but I hope my writing skill is improving.

Since we are on lockdown, all planned experiments are now on hold. I don’t know when we can do it. But I have to plan it. I like to plan the schedule of experiments because that gives me time to do the preparation and also I can find time to write a paper. I always find time to write a paper because that I want to do. Doing research is fun. I think getting better and better now, maybe after 15 years after I started as an undergraduate student. I should have become much better but unfortunately, the current skill levels are all I got. I will do my best tomorrow as usual.





株式市場は荒らしの前の静けさかどうかわからないがVIX指数は落ち着いてきた。なので今回は小さな修正だけで再び落ち着くかどうか?これでやはりVIX指数に連動して買っているVXXも買い増しておかないといけないと思った。7月は自分のポートフォリオは今の所そんなに悪くない。月に一度の投資はどのように投資していくか考えていかないと。今の所投資したいものはいくつかあるからそれらも調べて買うかどうか情報をアップデートして買いたいもの中で比べていきたい。今気になっているなHZR:ASXとAXE :ASX。水素関連の会社と量子コンピュータの会社になる。AXEは最近急上昇していて最高値に来ていて上がりすぎている気がする。まだ利益を出していないのに。HZRもそうまだ詳しく調べていないが、水素は将来的に良さそうだが、短期の1−2年の間はまだまだ状況は変化しないだろう。実際に今気になっている企業をきちんと調査して買っていこう。悔しかったのはSHL:ASX。利益確定をして売った後にコロナのロックダウンがきてPCR検査が増えることが期待されてかSHLは打った後に急上昇した。まあ未来は読めないものだ。。。残念ながらきちんと長期投資として投資できる銘柄をコツコツと見つけていくことが大事。勉強を重ねていこう。分散も意識して。


Market crash is coming, someone says so.

Tuesday today. I got another bad news for our experiment schedule. Since some of the maintenance work could not finish before the lockdown, we have to keep some days before we start the experiment so we will lose some days for our beam tine in 2021. Unfortunately, it is very busy until 2022 January, I have to manage to find the time. Hope lockdown finish on the 30th of July so we don’t lose much beam time.

I worked a bit more on my paper but still had more to do correctly. I think we are close to the ending but there are several things I should get through. So reading more papers to make sure what I am writing makes sense. I have to work on the logic of my paper. I hope I could make a good argument but I don’t have strong data set so I have to get around it. Let’s try my best. I hope I can finish it in few days and then I will work on another paper.

I am a bit behind in the study of Japanese swords, I have to find time for writing every day, but somehow I procrastinate it. Just find an hour every day for reading and writing to make sure I can finish some by the end of July.

For the share market, somebody says the crash is very near maybe next few weeks. I am not sure and I am not an expert, maybe the only I can do in preparation. VIX index just became high yesterday, it is not very high but we need to watch it carefully. Share market in Australia was not good but not disastrous, the change was less than 1%. The coal price is a level I have never seen but investors are not investing in coal mining companies. Just keep investing and find good companies. Also, I need to make the more diversified portfolio. I just need to keep learning about investing and economy.



今日は朝はGive and Takeという本を聴いていて人は自分がしてもらったことよりもしてあげた方のことをより評価するというところがあった。まあ当然そうなるかなと思うが。自分で戒めておかないといけないな。どこの組織にいても国家単位にしても民主的にな国ではとにかく批判的になって自分がいつの間にかやってもらう側に慣れてしまっているのではないかと。誰だったか国にしてもらうことではなく国に何が出来るか考えろと言っていたがこれは誠にそうだ。実際に自分がしてもらうことよりも何をしてあげればその組織や地域や会社や国に対して役に立てるか?そしてそれに対して責任を持ってとり組めるか。主体的にできることを毎日考えて行きたいものだ。





Now I know where to start.

It is Sunday during the lockdown in Sydney. I spent most of my time watching Netflix and reading books. I enjoy watching The 100 on Netflix and I can’t stop watching it. I am reading The Last Correspondent and the University only exists here (in Japanese). I should have read more, to be honest. Also, I am listening to Give and Take

Someone in the book said the book, travel, and relationship will help you grow. I am not sure they are all but I think these three are important ones. Since travelling is not welcomed at the current stage, I should focus on reading books and relationships at work and personal. For me, I didn’t do well on reading the last few years. Now, I realized that reading less causes losing my curiosity. I have read a lot, I have found something I am interested in. Now I should get back on the foot.

Today, I was reading a book about a new university in Japan which were built 20 years ago. That book was written by Deguchi Haruaki who is president there. Honestly speaking, I am a bit critical about his career but I heard good things about him. I wanted to know more about him and the university. The university is called APU (Ritsumeikan Asian Pacific University). That university is trying many new ideas which I like them while I still don’t call it university because they teach very few disciplines. They have many international universities students from all over the world. The student and university are open-minded. I like it. On the other hand, if what they are doing is right, I want them to prove if they can teach many disciplines not like teaching only a few like management and study of Asian Pacific. Unfortunately, there is no science course there, I don’t have anything to help with. Maybe in the future. I will keep reading this book and learn more about it.

Now we start working tomorrow. Writing my papers always delay but I should do my best now to finish them all during this lockdown time. After I could go through the writing process, I will read a lot more and I will have more ideas to go next. I am looking forward to it.



I think I am good.

Two weeks have just passed since lockdown Sydney. And it will be going to like this for two more weeks. So far it is OK but we can’t keep going like this. We have done it before so maybe we can. Anyways, until we get vaccines, it is going to be like this. I hope this will end by the end of this year.

So today, I have two meetings. Both are good but I was not sure I did well at them. During the first meeting, I was a bit nervous because the other side was kind of my mentor when I was a PhD student. The meeting was for good but I had to decline the suggestion. I didn’t know how to do it. The second meeting is a mid-year review of my work and it went well. Personally, I am not doing well, I should have done better, to be honest, I always feel I could have done better. But he says I am doing good which is different from how I feel. These days, I am feeling I am not doing good I should work harder. Maybe I am writing a paper and feeling failing every day so maybe because of that. Let’s keep up. Get myself up to meaningful work. I hope I can figure it out during the weekend.

Now, I started working more on the conferences and meeting maybe I should talk to more people. Now, I should expand my area of research and network while I keep investing time in my expertise. Let’s thinking about it this weekend.






See what I can do

The day passes so quickly, now we are already midnight. I can’t believe it. The lockdown in Sydney is going to be extended. Now at the earliest, the lockdown finishes by the end of July. From the current schedule, I don’t have an experiment by end of August. I should spend more time writing.

Today, I added more analysis on diffuse scattering data from 2 dimensional triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnetic material. The phenomenon is common in these systems but no one has a clear answer yet. I can’t give one either but I think I can speak about it. Tomorrow, I can finish writing this section and hope I can find time to finish the whole story of the paper. On Friday, I should give the manuscript to my colleague to revise it. I hope I can finish the manuscript in a few weeks. Then I can submit it.

The coal price is the highest level in the past 10 years. But I think investor, especially in developed countries, doesn’t think coal will be outdated. But the developing countries, in some of them, still need coal and oil. Some of these are trying to expand the industry. By seeing that, I am not sure what the future holds, but I can see how difficult to navigate the world. I believe the developed countries can offer a nice solution based on science. But who knows who will win in the future. The climate is changing for sure, hope some technology can be developed and save us all. I am doing my part by doing science. I will read a book about SDG’s investing. I hope I can find something I can contribute to the earth.

Anyways, I should learn something every day and that keeps me moving forward. I am happy to see my analysis is done and I can do the writing tomorrow.





