Working on a new project

I have started a new project to study Japanese swords by using neutron scattering techniques. Neutron scattering is my expertise but I have to earn new skills to study Japanese swords. I am having difficulty. It is difficult to start something new scientific project. The part of the problem is also I am not an expert on Japanese swords. It is challenging but I would like to try. I will keep writing about this here. I am writing two experimental proposals to perform experiments in Japan later this year or early 2022.

I don’t have time to write today but I will keep writing here every day. Tomorrow, I will be writing in Chinese.








中性子散乱実験特に3軸分光器については自分は専門であるし、実験も誰よりもやっているしそのような環境にある。これについてはもう少し学びを増やしていかないともったいないとそう思うようになってきた。プロポーザルなども見直しこれまでにやられた実験なども復習そしてフォローアップしていこう。装置とそのまわりの科学者のネットワークも大事。さらに今は雑誌のEditorial Board Memberなのでそれを雑誌にフィードバックしていくことによりサイエンスに貢献できるように。とにかく自分の論文はきちんと書かなくてはならない。



Adelaide in Dec. 19th – 22nd, 2020

I wrote this end of 2020… The year 2020 has passed so fast, now we are at the end of the year. Since international travel is not allowed, I can’t go back to Japan. So, I decided to go to Adelaide, SA from Sydney, NSW. In NSW, suddenly in the 18th, we got about 30 new cases in Northern Beach. I am worried if we have to cancel the trip to Adelaide. But anyhow, we could manage it.

Before travelling to SA from NSW, I submitted a travel request beforehand online. It had been approved. At the airport, we got a short interview, finally, we are approved to enter the SA state. It took about $30 from the airport to the city centre by taxi. Adelaide is a quite compact city. On the first night, I went to a Korean place in MAY Q Korean Restaurant & Bar. It was quite nice. Great food and nice makkoli. I like drinking makkoli I should drink more often.

On the 2nd day at Adelaide. We went to Adelaide Central Market in the morning. The food was great. I could eat that every morning. There were not many people there so it was kind of sad. But I could see many local fruits, nuts, pieces of bread, and so on. It was enjoyable. The place is easy to access and worth visiting. I remember now the banana I bought from one of the stores was very expensive but it was tasty. For a traveller, going to the market like this is great. We can find inexpensive food and we can eat during the trip. That saves a lot of money if we keep going travelling instead of having dinner at a fancy restaurant. It is up to the traveller’s choice, but I am not foody much. The food at the local market is usually good enough and fresh enough. At least I will buy breakfasts during the trip.

In the afternoon, we went to South Australian Museum. The place is free entry. Can you believe it? It was worth visiting. In addition, we can have a free tour! Our curator spent an hour explaining the collection they have. The curator helps us to understand these arts. It was very satisfying. I can’t believe it was free. I donated some money for it. The collection included many parts of the world. There was the Japanese section as well. I was impressed by the work from Olafur Eliasson. He is a physicist who uses optics in art. The arts always give me another perspective on how we see the world. And also, there are aboriginal arts and Australian arts. They are all mind-blowing.

On the 3rd day, I visited a bit on State Library of South Australia. I could not study there but I can see the most beautiful library in the world. If I could study there, that would be very productive. As long as I see, there were several people there, they look like studying. I envy people in Adelaide who can spend time there to study.

Final day, I visited the Adelaide Botanic garden and Adelaide zoo. Both are really good. It was beautiful sunny day too. Watching nice garden and animals are very relaxing. I wish I had something similar to close to where I live. Traveling is always nice way to spend time and money. I can remember many good memories. After Covid-19, we don’t go out many of these place but I should. Even I have some thoughts I need to go through, these give me time to reflect on my life and work. Traveling and seeing something new give me a new insight.

Overall, travelling to Adelaide was fun. In the future, I would like to travel more in Australia. I always think Australia is too many places to explore. This island of opportunity.







物理学者としてはテニュア(テニュアトラックの仕事を受けて)になってから6年となりました。簡単に言うと最初の2年で仕事に慣れ、次の2年で装置を任され、最近2年で装置が安定し、装置は私の論文増産してくれるようになりました。それに加え装置を元に共同研究できることにより人脈も広がりました。一つはこの流れを強化していくことが大事であるということ。この装置から出るデータの質を上げて、さらにネットワークを広げていく準備ができたことはかなり大きいです。さらに今年は新しい雑誌Materials FuturesのEditorial Board Memberに選ばれてこれからネットワークを強化していくと同時に自分の専門分野を成長させながらこれから自分の分野を軸にほかの分野に参入していこうと思います。私個人的には中性子散乱を用いた磁性物理学を専門にしていて、特に非弾性散乱を使った磁気励起の研究が主です。これらの分野からたとえば熱電材料の研究、および圧力熱量材料の研究、そして日本刀などを中心とした文化財の中性子散乱を用いた研究、また私の装置に関しては自分が本当のエキスパートとなりさらに偏極中性子実験も私の専門分野とできるようにしていこうかと思います。自分のネットワークもきちんと再構築して大きく成長していけるように。Editorial Board Memberになったからはさらにネットワークが広がるだろう。ただ自分自身が自分の専門分野で精力的に論文を書き続けることは絶対しておきたいと思います。












これまでいくつか書いてきたが。これからに関してはとにかく物を書いていくことにした。これはすべての軸で大事なことになってくるし考えたがクリアになっていくようにとにかく毎日書いていきたい。日本語、英語。中国語もできるか?まあまだ広げず。日本語と英語で交互に書いていく。とにかくアウトプット。そして、科学者として論文を書いていく。Editorial Board Memberとしてとにかく物を書いてどんどんパブリッシュしていく。これは日本語でも英語でも。とにかく書いて出していく。できれば残るといい。とにかく書いていく。

Finally, December in 2020

First Sunday of December 2020. I am feeling this year is going to the end. I have two weeks to go to finish work.

Physics: We are doing the most difficult experiment in 2020 this week. We are using polarized neutron to study the magnetic structure of the superconducting sample in detail. If we could develop this experimental technique, that will be wonderful. I have several experimental plans I would like to do in the next several years. Even the experiment is hard enough but I will be learning more about this polarized neutron. In several years, I would like to become one of an expert in this field. Let’s do as many as experiment possible. I would like to publish the papers.

Reading: I don’t have much progress. Currently, I am reading “Principles” by Ray Dalio after I finished “Killing Commendatore” by Haruki Murakami.

Life: I went to Darling Harbour in Sydney today to have matcha latte and matcha waffle on Sunday. It is hot but I enjoy the summer.

Investing: This week, the coal price has gotten better. I have bought a coal mining company in Australia. The share price is finally surging. I am feeling great. Also, the Australian dollar is getting strong, which is a good sign for me. This is because the commodity price is getting better. I bought a gold ETF and gold mining company after I sold one of investing company. Gold will be appreciated in long term, I would say the next several decades.

4th week in Nov. 2020

It is very hot in Sydney. But it is finally summer here in Sydney. The weekend was especially hot. I could not sleep well.

Investing: The market is moving a lot these days. there is a lot of news going around. I just merely catch up them. This week I have been waiting for one of my shares to sell and trying to find the best time by using Bollinger Bands and MACD. The share kept going up and finally I decided to wait. Both chartings helped me a lot. I am hoping I could sell next week. I would like to buy gold and a gold mining company in Australia sharemarket. This one also I am waiting for the best time. A gold mining company I am trying to buy is, I believe, a good company. But it could be overvalued but anyway I would like to have gold as part of my portfolio in long term. Gold could be appreciated in the next several decades. I will keep it in long term at least as 10 per cent of my financial asset. As for the stock market in Japan, Nikkei stock is going up steadily. It has reached about 26600 something in Nikkei 225. If it reaches 30000, it could be very historical points. That means 30 years high. As a Japanese, I believe this is huge. Japanese people have financial asset mostly with cash. Why? Because people could have not felt a growth on stocks for 30 years. But this could change their minds. I can see the momentum here. Maybe I could write more sometime here in the future

Physics: I keep learning physics. This week we’re calm. I am writing a grant application to the Taiwanese government. For the next 3 years of my research plan. I would like to pursuits several important subjects in condensed matter physics by using neutron inelastic scattering and polarized neutron scattering techniques. I am not sure I can succeed it or not. I will try my best on this proposal. I would like to offer a very successful, cost-efficient, and high-quality science project benefit Taiwanese tax payers.

Reading: Reading is good. I am reading “Killing Commendatore” by Haruki Murakami. I am enjoying it. Also, “Top stocks 2021” by Martin Roth and “Investing Wisdom” by Brett Kelly. I am investing in Australia and Australian companies sometimes but I can really find a nice book on it. These two books give me starting points. I am using Top stock to list up to start the research my own. For “Investing Wisdom”, I would like to know move about investor here and their thinking. Also, they are institutional investor, their institution sometimes shares its research on the website. I can learn from them. I enjoy reading!

Music: I should have played more guitar…

Running: I kept running in the morning. But these days, it is very very hot. I had to be careful.

Weekly updates 3rd+ week of Nov. 2020

This week has been calm. At work, reactor shutdown goes longer than expected so we can’t experiment so I am working calculation, planning or writing manuscripts instead. I don’t check Australian share much, but I feel Australian share is coming back steadily this week, my portfolio recovers nicely because of coal price is coming back.

Physics: I have gotten a review request from one of the prestigious journal in physics. The journal covers all area of physics and new physics. I am honoured to review one of the manuscripts. In the beginning, I felt it is too early for me to review that level of physics. But I will try my best. Basically, the manuscript has been rejected by another referee before me, authors claim the referee has failed to understand the importance of physics they found. The first referee claims that there is no new physics on their work. Unfortunately, I felt the same way with the first referee. Editor asked me to reevaluate their work to see if we have a strong reason to publish the work. He already thought that even after authors claim, he agrees with the first referee. The manuscript does not have a high quality of new physics. But the journal gives an alternative view (my view?) on the paper. So I have to evaluate the paper has

  1. Substantially advanced the field
  2. Open a significant new area of research
  3. Solve a critical outstanding problem or making a significant step toward solving the problem
  4. Are the results of great general interest.

I feel honoured but I feel a responsibility now. But the feeling is not bad. I will try my best to contribute to the history of physics.

Investing: This week. fortunately, my portfolio advanced substantially, but as you know, the short term does not matter much. Anyways, I feel great. Lately, I am learning a lot about charting to analyze the market. I am using MACD to know the trend but still, it will take some time to understand this. By learning about investing in books and Youtube, I have many ideas to try but I don’t have many funds to invest. Haha. But keep learning and doing research, keep a record to invest. Maybe I can write something sometime soon.

Book: I am thinking of writing a book review again. I would start again from neutron scattering which is my expertise in physics. Currently, I am reading the autobiography of the founder of Charles Schwab. I am enjoying his story. He gave me a lot of insight on investing and how to lead life. There is always something interesting we can find in a book. Keep reading and keep learning.

Music: I havent played much recently… Oh no, I will find time.

So anways, today is on Monday, it is bit late. But this is the update from 3rd week of November.

Update Nov 15 2020

Last week, from 9th to 13th of November, was conference week, I have attended the annual meeting of Japanese society of neutron scattering (JSNS2020) and ANBUG and AINSE neutron scattering symposium (AANSS2020). Both are online, so I could attend both meetings. I enjoyed attending while I missed the feeling of attending the conference. For this kind of conference, I just joined talks or sessions which I was interested in while working at my office. Like I am listening online seminar but I didn’t feel attending a conference at the same place, communicating people, exchange opinions. When I went to the conference, we usually don’t have anything else to do, we can focus on learning new finding from colleagues and we all feel we are part of the conference. But this time, I did not feel that way. Usually, we have an opening ceremony and ending ceremony, that gives me the sense of attending the conference. This time, I miss some of them, so it is like just a bunch of seminar started.

Reading: after “Go by Kazuki Kaneshiro”, now I am reading “How dogs love us” by Gregory Berns. I am not familiar with this kind of scientific experiment but it turns out not much has been done in this field. In addition to the contents of scientific results, the author also showed readers how difficult to set up the experiment on a dog. Firstly, administrative job, University want to minimise the risk of an experiment, and this kind of experiment is rare so experimentalist has to prepare a lot. I did not know dogs are not allowed in University campus. Even after the administrative jobs, the next challenge is how to scan the brain of moving dogs on fMRI, which is expensive to experiment with limited research funding. Authors finally got an excellent result, that shows dogs have a mental map as humans do. I am still reading the book but the understanding of feeling or thinking of dogs is quite interesting. Dogs have social intelligence and dogs communicate with humans better than apes. The book is about just 2 years of rearch of dogs, but I feel they should come more in the future in many groups around the world.

My stomach has not been good for a long time. I refuse to take any medicine for some of my stupid belief that medicine is not good to my body. Finally, I took some this week and I am feeling better than before. My quality of life is much better. So, now my feeling is back. My enthusiasm is back. I am convinced how the health is important throughout our life.

What am I building in my life? As a physicist, I have worked on creating knowledge by publishing a paper. I would like to challenge many of the scientific fields. I am experimentalist so I will perform the experiment and data analysis. Creating data is one of important work and adding value by analysing it. Publishing data could be my making product and selling them by making a presentation or sharing it publicly. As a runner, my goal is staying healthy and motivated. I think now I need to give a bit harder training to run faster. Hopefully, I can join some race next year. As a reader or English learner, I am doing pretty well. But why am I doing this? That is right, that is to improve the writing skills especially on publication. So what I need to do is reading and writing more by writing. Publishing paper, writing grants, writing blogs, writing emails. Writing is creating things. We need practice but never give up writing good ones by writing a lot.

Other things could be building financial stability. While earning some money by working, I am constantly investing shares in Australia. I don’t know the future of this country or the world but I can try to believe in capitalism to some extent….. Instead of making money solely from working, I would like to build financial stability to do what I want to do in my life. As long as I am doing these reasonable ways, I am convinced it takes a while even I can luckily find a nice company to invest in. Just keep learning business and investing. Maybe after 5 to 10 years, I can build something. Learning is always good. I am making a decision every month to invest in form salary. Less spend money now and invest more for the future. This year, it hit hard because of COVID-19, but I would think in long term.